
Overcoming TTS Character Limit - "Reading a Long Story"

writejohnjones . 11 years ago updated by Sumit 11 years ago 1
On Avatar Support, I found this:

Overcoming TTS Character Limit - "Reading a Long Story"


How do I do this with my Avatar? I see the source code in the example, but not the instructions on how to do it.

I have multiple saved Text To Speech audios in a sequence, that together constitutes a single "scripted" presentation, that I would like my avatar to perform as one uninterrupted "scene", like in the linked example.

What I want is to create a virtual presentation, with a lead generation player, and embed that into my website.

I understand that I might have to have an unlimited account. But what I specifically need are the step-by-step instructions, on how to recreate the "Overcoming TTS Character Limit - "Reading a Long Story" example, but with my avatar and lead generation player, and embed it into my website.

I absolutely need to know how to do this.

Thank you.
Please send us account ID or email ID associated with Sitepal to support@sitepal.com
Also forward to us content/text to be spoken by the Avatar.
We will create a sample page for you and send you source code with instructions.
