
Can I embed SitePal Scenes in a Power-Point presentation?

Eva 14 years ago updated by Eric Johannsen 11 years ago 4
embed features faq how to powerpoint


Yes, SitePal customers can currently use SitePal’s PowerPoint plugin. Currently, internet access is required to use this feature. You may download the PowerPoint plugin here. For complete PowerPoint Add-in instructions, check out the PowerPoint Add-in manual.
When i use this plugin it says I have no scenes although when i view my account i have created two???
Recent updates to the PPT plug in have been made to resolve this and other known issues. Please make sure you are using version 1.9. If you continue to see trouble with this feature, please contact us at support@sitepal.com
Is Internet access still required to play a scene embedded into PowerPoint?

Is the PowerPoint plug-in the only option to play the scene in PowerPoint, or are there other options?