
My account Expire

Illia Horenko 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 4

Hi, Mr.Gil

Happy New Year!

I asked you about the 60 bit per rate video generation.

You said me that if your team couldn't make this video until this month, you would refund my money.

Sorry, but please let me know your development state.



Under review

Hello Illia - 

Regretfully the video generation implementation cannot generate 60 fps at present.

The solution to enable 60 fps requires some re-engineering & is not available at present.

We're ready to cancel your subscription & provide a refund if that is your preference.

Please send a note to support@sitepal.com - with a link to this thread - and we will take care of it for you.

All the best,


Under review

Hello Illia - 

Regretfully the video generation implementation cannot generate 60 fps at present.

The solution to enable 60 fps requires some re-engineering & is not available at present.

We're ready to cancel your subscription & provide a refund if that is your preference.

Please send a note to support@sitepal.com - with a link to this thread - and we will take care of it for you.

All the best,


Ok, Thanks.
I sent the message to support@sitepal.com.
I am waiting for your reply.