
Publishing to Facebook now that thee is no longer FBML

Becky Bear 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 2
It is my understanding that Facebook has ceased to support FBML. Do you have instructions for posting to FB without FBML. Are there tab creation programs (such as pagemodo) that can be used?


Hi Becky,

I assume you are referring to embedding a scene in tab instead of posting it on the profile wall.

The FBML has been deprecated and from June 1, 2012, FBML will no longer be supported on FB. But facebook is still supporting JS, html and CSS, you can use FB's JavaScript SDK and other plugins they may have available to integrate the scene in a tab. We will be working on creating an example for this soon.


Let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you, however that's a little over my head. I am a WYSIWYG person. Can you tell me what format Sitepal outputs in