
is it possible to ad gif animation scrolling pictures to a scene

joseph gormanly 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 5
You mean to use as Scene background right?

No, but we do support video backgrounds. You can save your animated gif as a video and upload it.

Try it and let us know if you encounter any problem.
SitePal Team

that works thanks bit of a pain though I thought it would have been easier adding the animation scrolling pics
Glad to hear it worked!

Would be good idea to add animated Gif support - but not heard much of a clamoring for. In any case - It's on our list.
thanks for the reply gil I am very sure if the faculty was their it would be used I found a simple software that takes seconds to turn your gif into a movie and keeps the file size down and is free online I think it makes a better scene talking through scrolling pictures and makes it more interesting, people will sit through and watch longer I just wish we could make the lead scenes a bit bigger they are kind off to small for background pictures thanks joe