
How can I add audio to SitePal over the phone?

Eva 14 years ago updated by Karen Cote 13 years ago 4
audio features faq how to phone


We have two paths for recording audio by phone:

1. Online: Within the scene editor (the Audio step), select the Phone option and keep this open while you place your call. The on-screen window will follow your progress. Once your call is finished, you need to name the file and click the on-screen “Save” button.

2. Offline: Print the phone instructions from the scene editor, log out of your account and wait 5 minutes. You will be prompted for Scene ID so that we know what scene to assign the audio to.
When I click on the link that says Print these instructions, it opens a new browser window with this page: https://vhss.oddcast.com/admin/homepa...

However, there are no instructions on that page.

Thanks for pointing out this issue. This was a simple matter of updating a link in the Editor. It has been updated and is working now. You may want to clear your cache first. Let us know if you experience any difficulty and thanks again!
What if I need to record outside the US? Is there a toll free number? Thank you.