
What is the FAQ feature?

Eva 14 years ago updated by Akhil 13 years ago 5
features faq player faq solution


Using SitePal’s FAQ feature, SitePal characters can be preconfigured to answer frequently asked questions. Users simply need to enter questions and setup the corresponding audio answers. This feature is available to Silver accounts and higher.
Is it possible to dynamically control the FAQ questions through the API?
Yes, it is possible to Dynamically control or build your FAQ using sayText api. This can be done both in Flash and Javascript. Please look at the examples below.

JavaScript- http://www.oddcast.com/support/faq_sa...
Flash- http://www.oddcast.com/support/as3/FA...

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have.
According the API documentation, sayText is for the generation of Text-To-Speech. The nature of my question is related to the dynamic generation of the FAQ constant (options) that get displayed below the Avatar. The question may be more related to the control of the player, but not sure. In this example (http://www.sitepal.com/newskins/?skin..., the FAQ questions are static. Would it be possible to dynamically generate them through the API?
It is not possible to dynamically feed the questions to the FAQ Player.
But you can use JavaScript function to generate dynamic text and pass it on to the sayText api- but not through the player.