
PowerPoint to SharePoint functionality is broken.

dcherry71 13 years ago updated by Gil 13 years ago 3
I have embedded the talking avatar into a Power Point (2010) and saved this as a PPSX and PPTX (works flawlessly). Next I upload this to our internal company SharePoint, and the avatar becomes a black box and the fucntionality does not work. Is their a work around for this? The avatar was built in flash.


The powerpoint presentation needs an internet connection in order to display the embedded characters.
My guess is that in your company's internal environment the connection to the internet is either unavailable, or restricted (i.e. to "approved" sites).
If the latter, contact your IT department and get them to whitelist
*.oddcast.com & *.sitepal.com

Hope this helps,
SitePal Team
Is there no way to save the embedded characters in a PowerPoint presentation. I would like to use a product like this in lecture presentation to physicians.
Paul -
We appreciate your interest and totally understand the value of having this capability. We are looking at adding offline playback in PowerPoint in the future.

For the moment - if you must use the PowerPoint presentation offline - I can suggest a workaround -
capture each SitePal scene as a video, save it locally (mp4 format would probably be best), and import it to Powerpoint.
This will not require Internet connection for playback.

To capture & generate the videos, you could use any number of available utilities. We also have a built in "Video Export" tool in SitePal which generates a video of a Scene.

If you send a note to support@oddcast.com - and identify your account, we will add the video export feature to your account at no extra cost.

Hope this helps,
SitePal Team