
Does your TTS privide Auto-Play Function?

Winstone Choi 11 years ago updated by Sumit 11 years ago 1
3. Third one is auto-play function. What I want to do with your TTS is to make a vocabulary learning system. So, I hope that those English words loaded onto our website can be read automatically without clicking each word. Can we do that? If so, does your API provide that kind of function? or Do you privide any special code with which our programmer can make that kind of function on our side?
Dear Winstone,
Using sayText() command can assign static text(english words) to TTS .
For auto-play function use this code:
function vh_sceneLoaded(){ //event function
sample: http://www.oddcast.com/support/vh_sce...

Here is the another sample for auto-play function and pre-assigned texts:

API Doc: http://www.oddcast.com/support/docs/v...
