Under review

Avatar full-body iOS

François 9 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 9 years ago 7

Hello Gil,

Technology full-body avatars for iOS / Safari has progressed well.

It remains in my view to resolve two points:

1) On iOS, I have the following code:

http://vhss-d.oddcast.com/fb_embed_functions_v3.php?acc</a><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="http://vhss-d.oddcast.com/fb_embed_functions_v3.php?acc.....

<a href='javaScript:vh_sceneLoaded();'>CLICK ME</a>

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

function vh_sceneLoaded() {

sayText('<P> La terre est ronde</P>', 2, 4,2 );


Why is the text-to-speech is not launched by clicking on the "CLICK ME"?

But it works well on PC and Android. This can be tested at the URL listed below.

2) the size of the buttons [>] and [O] is much too small for touch screens especially the link type "CLICK ME" does not work (on iOS - see previous point).

Try for example http://web.intra.fr/CONT17_WEB/FR/avatardemo.awp on an iPhone (the avatar is full screen)!

Ideally automatically adjust the cell size so the two buttons to the width of the avatar.
What to emphasize is not aesthetic but ease of use above all the buttons display is temporary.




Bonjour Gil,

La technologie des avatars full-body pour iOS/safari a bien progressé.
Il reste à mon avis deux points à régler :

1) Sur iOS, j'ai le code suivant:

http://vhss-d.oddcast.com/fb_embed_functions_v3.php?acc</a><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="http://vhss-d.oddcast.com/fb_embed_functions_v3.php?acc.....

<a href='javaScript:vh_sceneLoaded();'>CLICK ME</a>

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

function vh_sceneLoaded() {

sayText('<P> La terre est ronde</P>', 2, 4,2 );


Pourquoi le text-to-speech n'est pas lancé en cliquant sur le lien "CLICK ME" ?

Cela fonctionne pourtant bien sur PC et sur Android. Cela peut être testé à l'URL indiquée ci-après.

2) la taille des boutons [>] et [O] est beaucoup trop réduite pour les écrans tactiles surtout le lien du type "CLICK ME" ne fonctionne pas (sur iOS - voir point précédent).

Essayer par exemple http://web.intra.fr/CONT17_WEB/FR/avatardemo.awp sur un iPhone (l'avatar est plein écran) !

L'idéal serait d'adapter automatiquement la taille de la cellule donc des deux boutons à la largeur de l'avatar.

Ce qu'il faut privilégier n'est pas l'esthétique mais la facilité d'utilisation surtout que l'affichage des boutons est temporaire.



Under review

Hi François -

Regarding #1 -

This should be fixed with the upcoming update of the full body player.

To test a pre-release version of the new player - please change the value "fv=9" to "fv=0" in the embed code.

Let me know how goes.

Regarding #2 -

Your point is clear.

We will look into it.



Hello Gil and congratulations for your responsiveness !

The version "fv=0" works well on PC.

On Android, the full-body avatar is launched, comes alive and seems to explain without speaking.

I have nothing either by making customized template buttons with a click on one of the buttons.

On iOS, after several minutes and one simple sentence, I have nothing avatar and always seems to be waiting for something ("il mouline" - French expression!). (but I tested this on an older version of iOS: 6.1.6) photo :


Bonjour Gil et bravo pour votre réactivité:

La version "fv=0" fonctionne bien sur PC. Sur Android, l'avatar full-body est lancé, s'anime et semble donner des explications mais sans paroles.

Je n'ai rien non plus en faisant apparaître les boutons avec un clic sur un des deux boutons.

Sur iOS, après plusieurs minutes et pour une simple phrase , je n'ai rien et l'avatar semble toujours être en attente de quelque chose (il mouline - expression française!).
voir photo ici (mais je teste cela sur une ancienne version de iOS : 6.1.6) :


Thanks for the detailed response.

I've passed your feedback to the team.

Hello Gil,

Have you made progress on the new version for iOS?
It would suffice that the text-to-speech starts by clicking a link like "listen"

It is then no need to change the buttons that appear on the avatar.




If you use fv=0 (to view the pre-release version) it should work for you by clicking a link.

Here are a couple of examples - please try -

Full Body -


Classic -


François -

Please look at the following examples again - this has been fixed and verified on iOS and Android.

Full Body -


Classic -




Hello Gil,

I try to use full-body avatars in text-to-speech in the languages proposed by Sitepal (25?) On PC, android and iOS.

You said: "If you use fv=0 (to view the pre-release version) it should work for you by clicking a link."

The example "http://www.workboy.com/qa/FB_Live/DynamicCallTTS1.html" tested this morning, unfortunately has no link !
This page works well on PC, very very hard on Android (since no startup link) and does not work on iOS (photo after 10 minutes)

You said here:


"Which character are you using?

If Full Body, bear in mind that due to mobile browser limitations, the characters will only speak in response to user interaction. Auto-play on page load can not be supported on mobile - this limitation is not specific to SitePal.

Hope this helps,


I think if the text-to-speech does not start automatically, launch link is required.

In short no real progress for more than four months...


François SCHAAL