Under review

Text-to-speech problems in 12 languages

François 9 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 9 years ago 2

Bonjour Gil,

Hello Gil,
As indicated in my email of 6 July 2016:
I have the following problem in HTML5 field with full-body avatars:
All subsequent tests were performed with the same avatar in my account:

In French, the following code works:

<a href='javaScript:vh_sceneLoaded();'>ECOUTER</a><script language="JavaScript">

function vh_sceneLoaded(){
sayText(' <P> La terre est ronde</P>',1,4,2);

In Swedish, the following code does not work: sayText(' <P> jorden är rund</P>',1,9,4);

I tried with other Swedish languages 2,9,1 1,9,1 1,9,4 2,9,4 3,9,4 nothing works!

Canadian French, the following code does not work: sayText(' <P> La terre est ronde</P>',1,4,4);

In Dutch, the following code does not work: sayText(' <P>de aarde is rond</P>',2,11,4);
I tried with the other language codes, nothing works!

In Greek, the following code does not work: sayText(' <P>η γη είναι στρογγυλή</P>'1,8,4);

I tried with the other language codes, nothing works!

In HINDI, the following code does not work: sayText(' <P>पृथ्वी गोल है</P>'1,24,4);

In Hungarian, the following code does not work: sayText(' <P>A Föld gömbölyű</P>'1,29,4);

In Iceland, the following code does not work: sayText(' <P>Jörðin er kringlótt</P>'1,25,4);

In Indonesian, the following code does not work: sayText(' <P>bumi itu bulat</P>'1,28,4);

In Korean, the following code does not work: sayText(' <P>지구는 둥글다</P>'1,13,4);

In Romanian, the following code does not work: sayText(' <P>Pământul este rotund</P>'1,30,4);

In Russian, the following code does not work: sayText(' <P>земля круглая</P>'2,21,4);

In Turkish, the following code does not work: sayText(' <P>dünyanın yuvarlak olduğunu</P>'1,16,4);

That's a lot of languages (12) do not work on PC (IE and Chrome) with full-body avatars!

I am marketing phase of an international application and these bugs disturb me!

Pending an answer,

François SCHAAL


Under review

Hi François -

I tried different languages in our TTS demo - they all seem to work fine.

See -


Why are you using the <P> tag in the text to be spoken? What are you trying to achieve?

HTML tags cannot be interpreted with the exception of documented SSML tags, and should not be used. If used, they will either be stripped and ignored, or the result might be unexpected.

Please remove these tags & try again. If you still see a problem - please post a link to your page where the problem can be seen & we will look into it.



Hello Gil,

I tried to understand: paragraphs <P> </ P> seem no longer managed in Saytext() in full-body avatars.

When I delete <P> </ P>, the text-to-speech run perfectly in Canadian French (2,4,4 - tested) but only under Safari and IE11 for Windows7 .

Under Chrome, Sitepal reads the first word of the last line (or last line-1) from Saytext() . This is certainly a minor bug. My version of Chrome is the latest: 52.0.2743.82 m

I will test other languages before returning on Android / iOS!
Have a nice week end
François SCHAAL


Bonjour Gil,

J'ai essayé de comprendre : les balises de paragraphes <P> </P> ne semblent plus gérées.
Lorsque je les supprime, le text-to-speech fonctionne parfaitement en français canadien (testé) mais uniquement sur Windows7 sous safari et IE11.

Sur Chrome, Sitepal lit le premier mot de la dernière ligne (ou de l'avant dernière ligne) de Saytext du code HTML5. Il s'agit certainement d'un bug mineur.

Ma version de chrome est la dernière : 52.0.2743.82 m

Je vais tester les autres langues avant de repasser sur Android/iOS !

Bon Week-end

François SCHAAL

Under review

Hi François -

I tried different languages in our TTS demo - they all seem to work fine.

See -


Why are you using the <P> tag in the text to be spoken? What are you trying to achieve?

HTML tags cannot be interpreted with the exception of documented SSML tags, and should not be used. If used, they will either be stripped and ignored, or the result might be unexpected.

Please remove these tags & try again. If you still see a problem - please post a link to your page where the problem can be seen & we will look into it.

