
Is it easy to work with Wordpress?

Walmir 12 years ago updated by stephen thor 11 years ago 2
I don't know how it works, maybe I need to put some code in html or javascript.

If I use Wordpress. Do I need some plugin?

Hi Walmir,

For WordPress.org simply select HTML tab from the editor(visual/html) and paste the embed code there.

You can download SitePal plugins from here:

And for WordPress.com you can generate a video file of your scene and upload it into your site. See this sample site: http://sbanerjee12.wordpress.com/

Happy New Year!

Sumit, sitepal is not available as a plug-in for wordpress. cannot located i under search. clicking on the "download SitePal plugins from here" link only provides a wordpress blog page which informs you that the plugin (even if it was available) has not been updated since 2009.

i have to tell you that i do not have a lot of confidence in sitepal. i cannot even finish my model, let alone try to post it to a website.