Under review

Superposition of fields

François 8 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 8 years ago 4

Image 64

Image 63


I have a big problem: I display the avatar full body of sitepal in an html field. Before, this field expanded without superimposing itself on texts. You have modified something since now the field of the avatar is superimposed on the text!

How to do ?

Thank you for your prompt response! 

1ere photo on Android

2nde on Internet Explorer 11 on PC



J'ai un gros souci : j'affiche l'avatar full body de sitepal dans un champ html. Avant, ce champ s'agrandissait sans se superposer aux textes. Vous avez modifié quelque chose puisque maintenant le champ de l'avatar se superpose au texte !

Comment faire ? 
merci pour votre réponse rapide


Of course the links that launch the text-to-speech are illegible

Bien sûr les liens qui lancent le text-to-speech sont illisibles

Under review

Hi - Can you please post a link to your page where we can see the problem?

If you prefer - please send the link to support@sitepal.com


Hello Gil,

The superposition of fields observed this morning has disappeared. 

Tested on Android and PC with Chrome.
I have not changed anything on my side!



Hello Gil,

La superposition des champs constatée ce matin a disparu. testé sur Android et sur PC avec Chrome.
Je n'ai rien modifié de mon coté !



Glad to hear it. 

Not sure what happened - possibly a caching issue within the Akamai network may have caused a temporary conflict when code was updated.