
No response from sales.

MichaelF 13 years ago updated by Gil 12 years ago 8
Hello. I emailed sales on the 21st of November and haven't received a response. Is there another method to contact the sales department other than the form on the site?
Hi Michael -
Not sure why you received no response.

You can send sales inquiries directly to -
and support inquiries directly to -

Suggest to whitelist the sitepal.com domain in your spam filter to ensure delivery.

Hope this helps,
Thanks for the quick response. I will give it a try.
Same problem here. My account came up for renewal in November and I filled out the contact sitepal sales Nov 22 and again Jan 31. Both times I received a confirmation email that they received my request and would get back to me. No response from either (nothing in my spam box either).

Will try once more today then if still no response then I guess I'll have to look elsewhere... what a shame.
Dave -

I'm very surprised.
you must be using a sales form that is broken, or our responses are caught by spam filters.
please re-send your email directly to sales@sitepal.com and cc support@sitepal.com, and please check your junk folder for any message from us.

We will take care of you without delay.

ps. - how have you been contacting our sales?
Hi Gil,

Nope! As I mentioned above I received confirmations back from sitepal that my requests had been received. The automatic responses back came from ysohn@oddcast.com as follows...

We have received your request for more information about SitePal. A company representative will be in touch very soon. Until then please feel free to browse our website at http://www.sitepal.com.

For technical support, please use our Support Form or contact at support@SitePal.com to be assisted more promptly.

The Sitepal Team

Just noticed above that there is the word 'test' below the signature which is odd.
Both email responses Nov 11 and Jan 31 both have the same response text above.
Yeah - this is an old form that reaches an address no longer in use...
Very sorry about this - we will hunt down the deprecated form and update it.

please send your message again directly to sales@sitepal.com & support@sitepal.com and we will respond and address.

Thats your main form on the Contact Us page which I would think a lot of people would us?

See http://www.sitepal.com/contact_sales/
I would think so!
Looking into it - thanks!