
Upgraded to Silver, still unable to use TTS

Elizabeth Henson Ogle 13 years ago in SitePal Silver updated by Jesse 13 years ago 3
I created a scene, and then had to upgrade to silver, which I did, returned to the scene to add the TTS and it still will not allow, still has a message above the model telling me that my package does not allow, please upgrade to silver.

I went to my account details, and it shows that I am indeed silver.

Is there a delay?
There should not be any delay - but you may need to re-launch the editor.
can you please try & see if it works for you ?
SitePal Team
Well, I did relaunch last night when I was working on it, however today the message to upgrade has gone. Thank you for your response!
Hi Elizabeth,

We have marked this as "solved." Please feel free to contact support if you have any additional questions about your SitePal account!

SitePal Team