
How can I download audio TTS file?

ilana attal 14 years ago in SitePal Silver updated by Gil Sideman 8 years ago 7
I typed a text for TTS, and I would like to use only the voice to include it in another video. Is it possible to download the audio file?
Ilana -

That's not possible. TTS playback in SitePal is only available for playback with our speaking characters.

I'm sorry I could not be more helpful.

SitePal Team

Can I get the Text that I typed in TTS, to show that as close caption.

Can you please reply me fastly as it is urgent.
Kumar -
Why would you need to "get" the text - given that you are the one originating the sayText api call?
Maybe I misunderstood your question - please explain

We do have a close caption support example you can check out - see on our support page.
I have saved 4 audio files using "TTS" api. Based on the user's activities I have to pick the file name dynamically and play the audio using "sayAudio". At the same time I have to use the same file for close caption. For that sake I am asking extract the text. Can we use that audio for close caption.
Kumar -
Thanks for explaining.
Yes you can use the audio for close captioning - check out our close caption example here -
please feel free to copy our code and customize it for your needs.

But there is no way to interact with an existing previously created audio and "get" the text that was used to create it. Since these are audios you yourself created, I suggest storing the text in JS variables and using the right one based on user selection.

Hope this helps,

how to doanload created audio file

Hi - 

That's not possible. TTS playback in SitePal is only available for playback with our speaking characters. 

Check out our TTS API product at www.vocalware.com

Vocalware also does not allow audio download - but it may be closer to what you need.

