
Why am I getting "Resource is Not Available ( Inactive )" message?

Jorge Silva 11 years ago in SitePal Gold updated by Gil 11 years ago 6
The embedded object is not working, instead it give us the message "Resource is Not Available ( Inactive )", anyone knows how to solve it?
We still have 15sh days before the license expires, is it related?
player not working problem
Jorge -
Please post a link to your page (where the problem is evident) and we will look into right away.
Hi Jorge,
Its working fine now, Please check.
Actually you had no streams left i just refilled the streams.

one more thing,
how can I avoid getting my stream empty?
Jorge -
SitePal sends you email alerts when stream balance is "getting low" - pls check your spam filters and verify that you are receiving these messages.

When streams are low - the solution is to either buy more, or upgrade your package (i.e.Platinum comes with unlimited)

I noticed your account is using streams at a healthy clip. I think you didn't notice this until now because your usage level gradually increased in the past year or so. Go into "reports" page to review. We added about a week's worth to your account for now.

Let me know if any questions