
Duplicating avatars with text

Rivqa 11 years ago in SitePal Gold updated 11 years ago 2
I know I can copy and duplicate a scene and avatar. Is there also a way to use the same 3d created avatar on another page with different TTS text. I attempted to use the same image creating another avatar in 3d but the I continued to get a message it was timing out. I made sure this time it was a jpeg and not to big a file so could rule that out as far as timing out.
Appreciate your assistance.
tts 3d created avatars duplicate error message timing out
Dear Rivqa,
You can use uploaded image/model(in 3D models) multiples times with different TTS in new scenes. Don't have to upload same image each time.

* Select Add New Scene then select the particular model(3d models) into the new scene and add different TTS save it with different name. Copy the embed code and paste it into your website.
* Also check TTS audio limit 90 seconds/900 characters.
*Post/Email support@sitepal.com screen shot of the error message.

Hi Sumit,
Thanks, I thought I had to redo the avatar. This helps. Thanks so much