
Sitepal on facebook with FBML

valsassina tv 13 years ago in SitePal Gold updated 13 years ago 11
Sitepal on facebook with FBML
I follow the instruction (http://www.sitepal.com/nl200908/#tipm..., but it doesn't work.
No image is loaded and no avatar is lounched!

Clicca sull'immagine!
fbml facebook


Hi -
We see the problem - looks like facebook may have changed something. Looking into it, will advise.
SitePal Team
Here's what we found so far -

Posting to Facebook to a user’s account is working fine.

The issue is related to Adding Sitepal to a Fan Page which needs addition of Embed code using FBML - as indicated in the newsletter instructions that you refereed to.

The instructions are from 2009 so some terms need to be updated (as per new FB layout) but in following these instructions we were able embed the scene on a test Fan page - though we did notice one problem - the thumbnail doesn’t show up. Clicking on the placeholder for the thumbnail loads the scene though. The team is looking further at why this happens - will advise asap.

Example can be found here :

SitePal Team
yes, the problem is only with the thumnail that is not displayed.....
ok - we figured out the problem.
the reason the thumbnail did not display in our example - we had a WHITESPACE in front of the image url and swf url. Facebook tries to cache those urls and they do not strip blank spaces...

This is most likely the same problem you ran into.

here's an updated example -


let me know
Another question. how can i play multiple scene inside FBML?
The Javascript API will not work within FBML ...

I don't believe there's a way - other than upgrade to Avatar Studio.
a thought -
if you were to create a Flash shell ( a "loader") you could load the Scenes you wanted in sequence. This does not require JavaScript - you would use ActionScript in Flash - and it should work in FBML

requires a bit of Flash programming knowhow - but not too much
to get started I would look at our Flash API example & download the FLA
Thanks, but unfortunatelyI don't have any flash knowledge....