
"saySilent()"-function doesn't work

Joseph 14 years ago in SitePal Silver updated 14 years ago 2

We try to use "saySilent()"-function to pause between two sentences, but it doesn't work:

Do anybody know why? And here is my codes:
function vh_sceneLoaded(){ //event function
sayText('london bridge is falling down',1,1,3);
sayText('falling down',1,1,3);
sayText('falling down',1,1,3);

Best Regards,
Hi Joseph,

saySilent works fine in our example page -

in your example, you have interjected saySilent function calls in between speech function calls.

Doing so will not achieve any useful result - as the saySilent function is designed to be interrupted in case "real speech" begins. So when the second 'sayText' function is called, saySilent is interrupted, before it had a chance to actually do anything.

This is by design. the intention of saySilent was to be used in situations where you would be looking to capture the user's attention and get the user to roll over or click on the character. This can be very useful in banners, as many websites prohibit audio prior to rollover or click.

If your intention is to generate pauses between the spoken segments - please look into using SSML tags in the text. There is an appendix in the API reference that describes SSML tags that SitePal supports, including 'pause' or 'silence'.

Check out this example -

Hope this helps,
Hi Gil,

I understand now!

Thanks for your help!

Best Regards,