
Does your TTS program have "Highlight" function?

Winstone Choi 11 years ago in SitePal Studio updated 11 years ago 2
1. I plant to make an education website which will read English sentences to children. What I want is a TTS with "Highlight" function so that children can distinguish what is being read by TTS from what are not being read. I mean that the sentence which is being read should be highlighted so that children can easily distinguish the sentence from the others. Does your TTS program have "Highlight" function?
Winstone -
This functionality can be implemented using our API.
You would need a bit of Javascript experience - but to make life easier we have created an example - feel free to lift the code from this example and adapt it to your needs:
SitePal Team
The other day, I made a question on Highlight functionality and you gave me an answer. But your answer just led me to "scrolling functionality." What I want is not scrolling, but highlightening of the text which are being read by the TTS. Please see the link site for your reference.


If you click the speaker icon shown on the left upper corner, the texts will be highlighted while TTS read them.

If your TTS can privide this funtionality, please kindly let me know how to implement on our webpage.


please reply to akswinstone@naver.com