Under review
My site address starts with https://
I recently got a safety certificate on my website. Due to that the SitePal characters don't work. How can I solve this? By the way I am curious to know why nobody answers if I send a personal message for help. This really annoys me, I am waiting for weeks but nobody seems to be interested to answer...
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hi Jo -
To embed in an https page you must use the https version of the embed code.
If you recently modified your page to be displayed in https (whereas previously it was displayed in http) - then you need to login to your SitePal account, locate the scene, click on Publish, then select the 'https' checkbox before copying the embed code.
I'd love to know through which means you sent a personal message for help that was not responded to. The official venue for support is the email support@sitepal.com. Our policy is to respond within two working days, but in reality our support staff typically responds on the same day and urgent queries are answered on weekends.
Please provide more details about your own experience.
Hope this helps. Let me know if I can further advise.
The SitePal Team
I had the same problem. Thanks for the answer. Worked great for me
Hi Marrie -
Actually we have just recently updated our embed code to function on both http and https.
So if you go to 'share' and pick up the embed code, you may notice that there is no "secure" and "non-secure" option. The same embed code works for both cases. Progress :-)
I just changed it today. Still had the option to check. Does this mean I need to redo ?
Not at all. If it works for you it will keep on working.
Hello Gil,
Thanks for your quick reply. I have sent several e-mails to the support address you mention. I did that directly from the SitePal website and also through the email form. When sending through the email form I always mentioned my account number. Unfortunately I did never get a reply to my question (the one about the https:// problem). My account number is 5344406. Maybe this helps to find the messages. Anyway, I will try your suggesion, trusting that it solves the problem.
Thanks again,
Hi Jo -
Please let me know if the problem has been resolved.
btw - we do have a record of your support query from Nov 15th - which was answered on Nov 17th. Our support response must have been lost in your spam filter.
Hello Gil,
Thanks for your reply. How can I prevent that your reply gets lost in the spam filter? I am working intensively with the SitePal characters and most of them work, except for the one with FAQ included. It does not appear on the site at all. I checked the https:// box so I guess that cannot be the problem.
Jo -
Below are a couple of good sources that describe how to whitelist a specific email sender
The steps to take depend on the email client software you are using,
In your note to support please include a link to your page where the problem can be seen (scene not loading). We will look into and advise.
Hello Gil,
This is the link to the page where character Tom should appear:
Thanks in advance,
Hello Gil,
I don't know why but I did not receive answers again. I posted my question in the forum and I've sent it directly through mail. I installed a FAQ character on the page https://jotiko.nl/webdesign/ But nothing happens. Can you help?
Hi Jo -
The page does not allow access to source - so it is a blank slate to us.
Is there any way the page source code could be accessed?
Hello Gil, i removed the right click block. Can you access it now?
Yes thank you.
We've reviewed the page and noticed there was some problem with the code structure.
Here's a version of the page with the problem corrected -
removed the comment tag-//<![CDATA[:
there was some extra syntax within the embed code that was causing it to break.
Hope this helps,
Hi Gil,
Thanks for your assistance, but will this problem occur every time I paste the code after i changed something? I tried and it worked one time. But coming back again on the site, the same character does not load anymore. I checked the settings: it should load once every session.
Hi Jo -
You do not need to re-embed the code each time you change the SitePal Scene.
There is no reason at all to do so. Changes to the character or audio or FAQ requests are automatically reflected in the published Scene without publishing again.
That said - I can't say why your published embed code broke - all I can say is that when we looked at the code we identified that it was broken.
Hi Gil,
I am sorry to say that it does not work anymore. Yesterday it worked one time perfectly, but now it is the same again: nothing happens.
Jo -
Please explain what you mean when you say - "nothing happens".
What specifically is not working?
Hi Gil,
Nothing is working, that is the problem. The character does not show up at all on the page https://jotiko.nl/webdesign/
Hi Jo - when looking at your page source code I see the same problem as before - the code is mangled
someone or something inserted giberish into it. If you copy our embed code into your page, and then it gets changed, then of course it will fail.
I can only assume this problem is related to wordpress - but that would be a guess.
Suggest that you inquire with them & see what if anything they have to say.
Show them the original embed code that you are trying to place into the page, and explain what happens to it after it is added to the page. Please let us know what you find out.
We will try to recreate the problem with our own wordpress page. I know that our characters are often used on wordpress so this is surprising.
Let's touchbase when either of us has more info.
Hello Gil, I have no progression. But you showed me a page with the right code. I used that page but i cannot select the code to paste it into my website. This was the site you sent me: http://www.workboy.com/sumit/audiopal1.html
I don't know what exacty to paste into my site.