
Hello, my Avatars do not function on mobile phones, Why ?

PAC Dominique 8 years ago in SitePal Silver updated by Gil Sideman 7 years ago 6



As I'm reviewing old posts, I'd like to add here that all of our characters have long been implemented in HTML5, and all of them function fully and transparently on mobile devices (both iOS and Android).

The API is the same on all platforms - so from the developer's point of view, there is no need to do anything different for mobile devices - it will work the same way, with the following points to note  - 

1. Mobile browsers do not support 'play on load' for audio or video. This affects all websites and is not specific to SitePal. Consequently - if you set up your SitePal character to speak automatically when the page loads, it will do so on desktop, but not on mobile. This will not cause an error, it will simply not speak. 

Once the user interacts with the page ("activates" the page) the browser allows media playback. So, if the user clicks any button on the page, the SitePal character can speak.

2. setVolume api function does not work on the mobile browser. It will not fail, but will have no effect.

3. We've recently introduced an api function 'dynamicResize' which you can used to implement responsive design on mobile devices. 

Hope this helps,


Under review

The full body avatars fully function on mobile. They are implemented in HTML5.

The classic avatars not just yet - this update will be coming soon.

For the time being, if you are using classic characters, you may want to try out a beta version of HTML5 player ( it should work fine on mobile).

To do so - change the last parameter in the embed code from 9 to zero.

Example -

http://vhss-d.oddcast.com/vhost_embed_functions_v2.php?acc=16187&js=1"> language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">AC_VHost_Embed(16187,300,400,'',1,1, 2373143, 0,1,0,'e28412a30d92ae22e89db3cbddae83be',0);

Excellent news, Gil! I just tried it and agent renders nicely, although the text-to-speech API doesn't seem to be functioning yet. Is there any formal blog or other resource that we can follow to keep updated on the progress of this?


We will send an email out to all customers when the 2D and 3D characters in HTML5 launch. In the meantime - we will communicate progress via posts on the SitePal facebook page.


As I'm reviewing old posts, I'd like to add here that all of our characters have long been implemented in HTML5, and all of them function fully and transparently on mobile devices (both iOS and Android).

The API is the same on all platforms - so from the developer's point of view, there is no need to do anything different for mobile devices - it will work the same way, with the following points to note  - 

1. Mobile browsers do not support 'play on load' for audio or video. This affects all websites and is not specific to SitePal. Consequently - if you set up your SitePal character to speak automatically when the page loads, it will do so on desktop, but not on mobile. This will not cause an error, it will simply not speak. 

Once the user interacts with the page ("activates" the page) the browser allows media playback. So, if the user clicks any button on the page, the SitePal character can speak.

2. setVolume api function does not work on the mobile browser. It will not fail, but will have no effect.

3. We've recently introduced an api function 'dynamicResize' which you can used to implement responsive design on mobile devices. 

Hope this helps,



Thank you for your answer. Sorry but no thing appear with " 0 " with my javascript codes you give me on your site web that's not the same,

Why it is not in mp4 ? I think that will be better for the mobils phones (?)

Merci beaucoup