
how to get video in js

Mohammad Hoseinifar 6 years ago in SitePal Platinum updated by Gil Sideman 6 years ago 4

Is there any option that we can send a text to your server then you make for us a video and deliver the video to us in code not just showing it in the page


Under review

Hello Mohammad - 

If you sign up for the "Video Export" service we can provide you with an API that does just that.

Video export requires a Platinum account, and requires the separate purchase of "export minutes" - the service is metered by the total length of the videos being generated.

The API call will enable you to provide the text & voice, and select the Scene (from your account), and will return a video in mp4 or ogg format. This functionality is part of our Server API.

To proceed - please send a note to sales@sitepal.com.



The SitePal Team

Under review

Hello Mohammad - 

If you sign up for the "Video Export" service we can provide you with an API that does just that.

Video export requires a Platinum account, and requires the separate purchase of "export minutes" - the service is metered by the total length of the videos being generated.

The API call will enable you to provide the text & voice, and select the Scene (from your account), and will return a video in mp4 or ogg format. This functionality is part of our Server API.

To proceed - please send a note to sales@sitepal.com.



The SitePal Team