Sitepal Avatar use within an HTTPS environment

Can't get anyone to respond
Laureen Ulloa

I looked into it, here's what I found.
Eric -
You sent a note to our Sales on June 23rd. That note was missed - and I do apologize. We do not have a record of any note sent to Support, or any other note from you since June 23rd.
Please let me know how we can help - it will be my pleasure to try to assist.
btw - Sales communication was moved to a new ticketing system last week - as a direct result of your problem report above.
Dany -
We have a record of 10 tickets over some months. Of these 10 tickets, 7 were responded to within 2 days (per our support policy) - in most of cases within a few hours. The three other cases took 3 or 4 days to respond. I looked into each case, and in all of them the delay was due to the need to investigate and refer the issue to engineering for clarification.
I instructed Support to advise the client in such cases that the ticket is being looked at and provide an ETA. I do apologize for not having done so.
Also - kindly allow for the time difference (Korea vs NY) - even in best case scenario you should expect several hours delay.
Regarding your current open ticket - support is looking into it & will advise shortly if not already done so..
BTW - Laureen's case (above in this thread) has been taken offline to a direct discussion between her & me.
Bottom line - we are here & we want to help!
( Eric - please send us another note to sales@sitepal.com - or let me know in this forum how I can help or how to contact you directly )
SitePal Team

How can I become a tts voice?

C# Windows form application avatar
hello there im a developer who seeks to develop a personal assistant which will intaract with users.
does sitpal provide C# api which allows me to control the avatar from my application ?
(talking-head movements-eye movements-lips sync)
and if yes ?
is it free?
if no?
how can i try it?
how much does it cost?
thank you.
please mail me with the answer asap

Hi, we recently registered on your web app, and we are currently using our 15 days trial our account is platinum with account id of 6672309.
We've been using the avatar and tts for a couple of days and it seems to work fine, but today its seems broken caused by with the following errors.
This errors makes the avatar inconsistent, sometimes it works and then suddenly it wont, I did quick investigation and it appears this errors are the reason for the inconsistency.
"Database error: connect(, cache, $Password) failed.
MySQL Error: ()
includes/oddlib/class.DB_MYSQL.inc: Session halted"
"Error: [107] Missing required parameter: Missing CS"
this errors are quite a disappointing as we are about to have our demo today and suddenly this errors. We hope to hear from you asap as to how we could fix this and proceed with our demo.
Thank you.

Folks -
The problem has been addressed.
We are not aware of any remaining issue at this time.
If you are still experiencing any sort of problem - please let us know.
Sincere apologies for the inconvenience this has caused.

pronucnciation control for TTS
I need to precisely control pronunciation since I am building a language learning app. For instance, for "either" E ther vs. EYE ther.
Using the API or client side Javascript, can I send IPA characters or the Darpa phonemes? If not, is there a way of controlling pronunciation by using specific made up words like ee ack ?

Avatar Framework Integration
I would like to integrate a client editor in our demo site,
is it possible to use the Avatar Framework Integration?
If so, how can I get the product ID specified in the API?

Internet Explorer Browser Problem!
hi~ i'm platinum gold user.
TTS does not work.
For example,
URL : http://www.oddcast.com/support/saytext_fullbody.html
Windows 7, XP , Internet Explorer 9 ==> TTS does not work.
Windows 10, Internet Explorer 11.4 ==> TTS work.
Today we suffered these symptoms.
Our customers are experiencing discomfort.
Please solve quickly.

Internet Browser problem
I am a Platinum Gold user. I am using your TTS service for language education site. Your TTS was operated on internet browsers whose viersion are less than 12. But from today, it seems that your TTS doesn't work on the internet broswers whose version are less than 12. But most of our customers use window XP or window 7 which don't support internet browser 12. So we can't use your TTS service on our website any more. Was that done by your company? or Is it a problem which was made apart from your company. What should I do to solve this matter? Please advise urgently!!!

Hi Trevor, Winstone and all -
We've identified and fixed the problem.
It was introduced inadvertently by a software update that we had carried out.
Now fixed - please verify and let is know if you still see a problem with any version of IE
apologies for the inconvenience this may have caused.

again, it isn't work
hello, i think oddcast have some problems again. we offer English program our users. so our program is very important playing TTS. so please be stabilized. and fix quickly
Customer support service by UserEcho