Your comments

Yes, there is. It is an AWS related outage - and we are expecting it to be resolved soon.

For now - please send a note to and ask for your new signup to be activated.

We'll take care of it asap.



The SitePal Team

We put together a simple React code example that demonstrates loading the SitePal character in an iframe and using API calls. As long as both host page and frame page are loaded from the same domain, this should work fine.

Download code example here -

Hope this helps,


The SitePal Team

Hello !

When the SitePal embed code is placed in an iFrame - you need to setup as "licensed domain" both the domains:

- the frame page domain

- the host page domain

Please try and let us know if you still see a problem.



The SitePal Team

Hi Jordi - 
A software update caused a problem on mobile devices. This issue has now been fixed.

Please check again. It may be helpful to clear your mobile browser's cache.



THe SitePal Team

Hello!  and thanks for reporting this issue.

Can you provide a link to your web site where the problem can be seen - with specific steps to recreate?

That would be very helpful.



The SitePal Team

OK good to know!

Another suggestion, if you are up to it - uninstall Chrome browser and reinstall it. 

This may resolve the problem.

This issue seems to be specific to your browser. I'm troubled by it, but there is not much I can do without being able to recreate the problem.  We do not see this issue on any of our test platforms. 

Do you have another browser handy?  Can you try on Firefox or Edge on the same computer?

This will help isolate the issue.

Please let me know.




We're not immediately seeing any problem with the TTS Demo.

Which platform and browser are you using? 

Please provide any additional information that may help us recreate the problem.
