Your comments

Yes, received - and I just responded to you.  

Our engineer is looking into this and we will advise asap.

Hi J - 

All modern browsers are supported on Mac and Windows.

IE11 is still supported, although that may change in coming months as its penetration is very low and in decline.

Prior versions of IE are not supported.

Hope this helps,



The SitePal Team

ok thanx

I'll take a look


Can you recreate these failures in our demo -

if not - can you post a link to your test page where this problem can be seen?

Which voice are you using? What text input?

If you prefer not to post your link here - please send a note to and ask that it pls be forwarded to me.

Thank you!


Hello Daniele - 

We already communicated via email - but for the record, I will post the gist of my response here as well.

You can use our speaking avatars in your native app by loading them from your SitePal account

You would load the avatars into a webview within your app - this technique works on both iOS and Android. Just like you would load or display any web page within the app.

If you would like to load the characters locally (not from the web), we provide an Embedded Mobile Toolkit - where we provide you with a package that includes our avatars to be distributed with your app, and to be loaded locally from the mobile device.
This also works on both iOS and Android (please contact for pricing)

I would suggest starting with the first solution - and check and see how that works for you before considering further. We'll be happy to support you either way.


The example you cited is deprecated (using previous generation of our technology )

Please reference API examples from our support page - specifically here -

I think the example you need is the second from the top -

Again - please be aware that most browsers (including all mobile browsers) will not allow playback on load.

But the example above demonstrates how to do it. Because of this limitation it makes sense to have some user facing prompt to initiate audio - whether implicit or explicit.

Hope this helps,


Great! very glad to hear.

Suggestions & responses to your questions - 

a. please verify that you have replaced our embed code, from our example, with your own embed code from your own account. That is necessary in order for you to have control - so before doing anything else, please check that's the case 

b. in your account you need to enable your web page domain as a "licensed domain" - you can do so in your "Account Info" page. This is a security feature that is required to play dynamic tts. Check out technical note in our support page for more info if needed.

c. You can call 'sayText' api function at any time - provided it is after the SitePal Scene finished loading. To verify that's the case it is recommended to listen to the vh_sceneLoaded callback. Any sayText call made after Scene is loaded should work - assuming you have implemented a and b above. 

So for example - if you want to initiate speech upon the rendering of something on screen, that's fine.

The only caveat is that most browsers prevent media playback without user interaction with the page. If you attempt to play audio before the user interacts with the page (eg clicks any button on the page) - it may not work, though it will not cause any user noticeable error. Browsers differ in their implementation of this detail.

d. When the Scene loads, if the Scene is assigned an audio (in your SitePal account) and the Scene attributes are set to "play on load", then it will attempt to speak the audio (subject to the browser limitation outlined in c above).

To disable that - simply avoid assigning a permanent audio to the Scene. Select "none" as the audio for the Scene, or, set the Scene's playback attribute to not play-on-load.

Hope this helps. 

If you still encounter a problem - if you would like us to review your page and advise further send a link to your page to and explain what you are attempting to do and we will try to advise further.

