Your comments

Yes it is available.
As you may have noticed/heard, and to bring this thread full circle, the new Full Body characters have launched several weeks ago.
The new characters are available to all SitePal customers, for all package levels. To try out the new characters, login to your account, and click on "Add Scene" - then select the Full Body scene type. Edit and publish your scene as you would any other scene (the editing options are different of course).

The new Full Body characters are mobile compatible, and they fully support the SitePal client API, with two exceptions -
1. setVolume does not work
2. playing an audio automatically when the page loads does not work - the character will appear, but the user must click on the play button or on some button that you create (and call the API).
Both issues are due to mobile browser limitations.

If you notice any problems or have comments - please let me know by posting here or write to

Folks - 
As you may have noticed/heard, and to bring this thread full circle, the new Full Body characters have launched several weeks ago.
The new characters are available to all SitePal customers, for all package levels. To try out the new characters, login to your account, and click on "Add Scene" - then select the Full Body scene type. Edit and publish your scene as you would any other scene (the editing options are different of course).

The new Full Body characters are mobile compatible, and they fully support the SitePal client API, with two exceptions - 
1. setVolume does not work
2. playing an audio automatically when the page loads does not work - the character will appear, but the user must click on the play button or on some button that you create (and call the API).
Both issues are due to mobile browser limitations.

If you notice any problems or have comments - please let me know by posting here or write to


Robert - 

I noticed your post just now - I see this was posted some time ago 

Sounds you might not be waiting for the Scene to load before making calls to sayText. The documentation points out that you MUST implement the vh_sceneLoaded callback - and only after you get this call is the API assumed to be in working order.
Please take a look.

Let me know if this was the problem.
if not  - please post a link to the page where I might take a look & hopefully see the problem.
SitePal Team

Hi Carlos,
We're looking into this - will advise 
SitePal Team
Sure - please send a note to and ask them to send you a sample export Scene.
Let me know if any further questions.
We support swf or video export.
The swf export generates a collection of files that you can embed in your web page, but host on your own server.
The Video Export allows you to select from among 8 different formats.
Hope this helps,
SitePal Team