Your comments

Please post a link to your page - can't do much before we can see the page.

Many thanks,


If you are experiencing a problem - I assume that means you have embedded a SitePal character into your web page, where a problem is noticeable.

Please send us a link to that page - and we will review and advise.

Thank you!


Our support team inquired whether the character we created for you was good, and whether to add it to your list.

They have been awaiting your reply before taking further action.

Karleigh - none of the code you posted is from our code example page. Not sure what happened.

Just do a right click on the page and select "view source" 

If you could post a link to your test page, where we can see the problem, we could advise as to how best to proceed.

If you do not want to provide the link here in the public forum - send us a note to



Hello - the answer is yes. 

Karleigh - you must be using our deprecated Flash AI player. There is no need for Puffin or any other specialized solution. The Flash implementation has been replaced by an HTML5 solution which works on all browsers and platforms - but - to use it with AI you need to create your own solution using some basic programming.

SitePal provides an API function called sayAIResponse - you need to feed it the user's question, and your SitePal character will speak the response. That's it.

We have a working example, which you can test on your mobile device, and use our code as a basis for your own implementation. Please review here -

Copy the source code from the page and replace our embed code with your own (from your SitePal account). 

Don't forget to enable your domain (add to your licensed domains on "account info" page).

That's it.

Hope this helps, if you have specific questions please send us a note to



Hi Karleigh - 

Can you send us a review link to your test page - where we can see the problem?

We'll take a look and advise - thanx!



Yes - we are aware.

They expressive cues are being deprecated. We are working on another solution for this. 

Sorry about that - the documentation will be updated before long.