Your comments

Hi Mohit - 

The process is finetuned to human facial dimensions - so the extra large eyes in your design are most likely the reason for the problem.

But perhaps we can help.

The image you posted is low-resolution. Please provide a high res version, and include the top of the head (which is missing from this image) - and I will ask our production team to see what we can do with it. 



Can you post a link to your page where the problem can be seen?

And can you also provide the original image you used?

You may prefer to send the information to our support. 



Hi Mohit - 

Please explain what you are trying to do - what do you mean by 'tag' the eyes?


No - you do not.

The API function "dynamicResize" will resize your SitePal Scene without reloading.

Please review the technical example to see how it works.

This was designed specifically for implementing responsive design.

Hello Mohit!

You want the play button to play the audio - but clicking on the Avatar itself should not? 

Open "Scene Options" for your Scene - there's an option called "Play/Pause in Click". Uncheck this option.



Hello Mohit!

Use the fundtion "dynamicResize" to .. dynamically resize your SitePal Scene and implement responsive page behavior.

See technical example here -

Hope this helps,



You would need to upgrade to Platinum plan to use the server API.

If you like we can upgrade you for a trial period (no cost) to allow you to review/test the API and verify that it works for your needs. LMK.

Note that you may not need to use the "login" function.

Login is only needed if you are looking to maintain a client's authentication status during a session that may require multiple API calls. 

To clarify - the Server API supports two modes of authentication - 

1. Per call - provide access credentials with each API call.

2. Per session - use "login" and then provide session token in subsequent calls

#1 is simpler - suggest you start with that.

Best regards,
