SitePal’s community support is here to offer support, solve problems, share ideas, and update our customers about the latest from SitePal!

What is the maximum number of audio file uploads allowed?

Eric 13 years ago in SitePal Bronze updated 13 years ago 0
What is the maximum number of audio files (uploaded mp3 files - not streams) that can be uploaded in a Bronze account? I am getting an error saying that I have reached the maximum amount of audio files for my account and that I must delete some in order to continue.
What is the maximum for Bronze? What is the maximum for Silver, Gold or Platinum?
Could I work around this by having two Bronze accounts?
audio features

Removing Avatar From Web Site

Al Stevens 14 years ago in SitePal Bronze updated by Jesse 14 years ago 1
how do i remove an avatar from my web site. I decided I do not like the floating version of it.
delete avatar remove avatar
Jesse 14 years ago
Hi Al,

All you ever have to do to remove the avatar from your site is to remove (delete) the embed code that was used to embed the avatar.

If you'd like to change your SitePal scene, from a "floating" scene to an embedded scene (which is a scene that is inserted within your Web page, and not floating over it), you can do the following:

1. Log in to your account and go to the "Shows" tab.
2. Find your scene in your scene list and click "Publish".
3. Select "Embed in Web Page".
4. Choose "In-Page Embedding" and not "Overlay Embedding" - select "Click Here to Embed".
5. Follow the directions to get your code, paste the code on your page, where you'd like the scene to show up.

Good luck!

Money Back

Fernando 11 years ago in SitePal Bronze updated by Gil 11 years ago 3
Can Anyone Help Me Out! I tried using the 15 day trial so i put my card and they charged 9.95 when you guys said it was free of charge and I can't even use it because its not showing.

saytext - options ?

SCHAAL 11 years ago in SitePal Bronze updated by Gil 11 years ago 1
What are the options saytext?
end of the sentence (pause)
End of Paragraph

saytext option

How do I save my audio to my selected avatar?

Phil 3 years ago in SitePal Bronze updated by Gil Sideman 3 years ago 2

I produced my audio message and saved it. When I go to my selected avatar, their is no message. What step am I missing?


Make play button visible

peterweiss 4 years ago in SitePal Bronze updated by Gil Sideman 4 years ago 2

Can the play arrow be visible always? Not just on roll over?

Gil Sideman 4 years ago

Hi Peter!

At the moment that's not possible.

The default behavior is that play button appears when cursor is in motion over the character. Button remains visible for a few seconds and then fades if cursor is motionless.

I've added this to our product wish list - we'll look into enabling the play button to remain visible, perhaps through adding a new embed attribute, but due to our development schedule this may take some time. 




How to play two audio on one Character continuously?

Vitaliy Vozniy 5 years ago in SitePal Bronze updated by Gil Sideman 4 years ago 2


I uploaded my two audio files on One Character.

I have to these two audios on this Character continuously.

How can I do?


How to autoplay my audios on my one character?

Vitaliy Vozniy 5 years ago in SitePal Bronze 0

Hello, Mr.Gil

Sorry for disturbing you again.

As you said, I uploaded several audios on one character.

But I can't autoplay.

How can I do ?

If you teach me, I am happy.



Can I download my Talking avatar source code?

Vitaliy Vozniy 5 years ago in SitePal Bronze updated by Gil Sideman 5 years ago 4

Can I download my Talking Avatar source code?

If it is possible , can I run it as local?

sorry for disturbing you.

Gil Sideman 5 years ago

Hi Vitaliy - 

The avatar code cannot be downloaded and run from your local or from your servers.

If you need an offline version of our characters, please consider video generation, which is available with the Gold and Platinum annual plans. This can be useful if you are creating offline media such as tutorial videos, games, or youtube content.

Hope this helps,


The SitePal Team


How to represent my talking avatars on my sites and How many sites are possible?

Vitaliy Vozniy 5 years ago in SitePal Bronze updated by Gil Sideman 5 years ago 3


sorry,but can I represent my talking avatars into my sites ?

And how many sites are possible?

If it is possible, could you teach me?

Sorry for disturbing you.

Gil Sideman 5 years ago

Hello Vitaliy!

You may add your SitePal characters to multiple pages on your websites. You can add the same character to multiple pages, or you can create and add different characters - as appropriate for your implementation.

There is no limit to the number of characters you can embed. But your license limits you to use the characters only on websites that you (or your company) owns. So, for example, if a web designer/producer wants to setup SitePal characters on several of her client's websites, each client/company must have a SitePal account of their own.

Hope this helps,

