SitePal’s community support is here to offer support, solve problems, share ideas, and update our customers about the latest from SitePal!

SitePal on Mobile Websites?

Rocky Romeo 14 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 26
Am I the only one???? Does sitePal have a MOBILE VERSION of their websites? My website cannot be viewed on ipads, cell phones and other mobile media. It just shows up as a black page with the web address written in blue at the bottom.
ipad mobile

SitePal avatar in HTML5

david edoja 14 years ago updated by NewU 7 years ago 40
We are developing a mobile app and would like to use a SitePal avatar, but with the iPhone and iPad not supporting Flash, is there development plans for the avatar to also work with HTML5
ipad mobile iphone

What is a SitePal Scene?

Eva 14 years ago updated by Jesse 14 years ago 3
help scenes
Eva 14 years ago
A Scene combines a SitePal character, a background, and an audio message that you select, type, or record. The scene is what you eventually include (“embed”) in your web page. SitePal customers can create multiple scenes, allowing them to include several talking characters with various messages across their websites. Scenes can be updated anytime and any changes immediately appear on live web pages.

How can I publish SitePal on Facebook?

Eva 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 1
I'd like to share my SitePal scene with my friends (and fans). How can I do this?
features faq how to facebook publishing
Eva 14 years ago
Currently, there are a couple of ways to publish a SitePal scene to Facebook. We’re currently working on even more Facebook posting options.

First, you can post a scene to your Facebook fan page (in a new tab). For instructions on doing that, go here. You may want to update these instructions to suit the size you would like your scene to be. For an example, see SitePal’s Facebook Page.

You can also publish a SitePal scene to your Facebook Wall (in your Facebook profile). After logging in to your account, you will see all of your saved scenes. Choose the scene you’d like to publish to Facebook and click the Publish button. Make sure you are logged in to Facebook. Then, select “Embed in Facebook.” A Facebook popup will open and all you need to do is click “Share.” That's it!

Tip: Make sure your scene has a title and it will appear automatically when you publish to Facebook.

Pandorabot with SitePal/VHost - still possible (or not)?

Andrei Achim 11 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 5 years ago 10
Hi, is there a(ny) way to link my pandorabot to my SitePal account? I had that cca. 2004-2006, now I'm revisiting my bot and things are all different (and much more expensive!). If my question is not clear: I have a pandorabot and a Silver SitePal. I want to make a simple page where there's an avatar, a form for people to chat and the avatar would take the answer from the chatbot and speak it (via TTS). Thanks.

pop up telling me it is not reccommended that I play this.

deborah Wiebe 11 years ago updated by Sumit 11 years ago 8
I am trying to use your product in a powerpoint presentation I keep getting a pop up telling me it is not reccommended that I play this. How can I stop this message as it will be a show stopper for the training modual and the use of site pal.

Error Callback

Michael Flynn 13 years ago 0
We need an Error Callback when the avatar TTS fails. I am not sure why this wasn't integrated in the first place. You are already sending back errors to SitePal from the screenshot below.


Full body avatar - text to speech - iOS

François 9 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 7 years ago 7


Does the full body avatars works now on iOS/ Safari ?





Est-ce que les avatars full body fonctionnent maintenant sur safari / iOS ?



Gil Sideman 7 years ago

Hi -

Yes - they do work on mobile devices including ios/Safari




Speech Functions Examples not working

Jai 11 years ago updated by Sumit 11 years ago 1
For the example in the page, I have entered "Hi how are you" in the given text and clicked the botton the say it and I didnt get any audio response for say It button click .

Problems with examples on Ipad and Iphone.

Josef Rybák 12 years ago updated by Gil 12 years ago 3
Hello, some examples ( and and are not working properly on Iphone and Ipad. Avatar not speaking or is not saying that he should. Can you give me a solution how to run avatar api on Iphone and Ipad?
Gil 12 years ago
Josef -
A few quick thoughts -

#2 - The video takes about 2 minutes to generate after the Scene is created or modified. (according to one customer up to 5 min..).
If you try after several minutes - is the video still missing? Let me know and we will look into it if it is.
fyi - we are looking to introduce a callback API to advise of video generation completion. This update is in the works and should be made available as part of the Server API later this month.

#4 - please try this process again - only this time do not re-save the scene (it should not be necessary) but wait a couple of minutes
Step #3 should not be necessary...
Let me know
