Your comments

Jon -

You may be right - it might be good to provide this (and other) advanced functionality as part of the product. So far we have limited ourselves to providing APIs - and advanced examples. The assumption being that people's needs are different, and we should provide the tools for folks to build their own.

In any case - I'm not sure I can help you any further here. I'll see if one of our engineers can put together another example that better demonstrates.
Yes - the switch points will need to be dynamic (per callbacks received) and not as in the example above. You would need to work it out - seems doable.

Another possibility to consider that might be simpler to implement -
Break down the text into lines or segments as appropriate for your display, and play them using multiple sayText calls - queue them for playback as in this example -
then use talkEnded callbacks to highlight the next section
see example for talkEnded -
You might want to use the 'Mark' tag (HTML5) -
or just color the selected words - here's a good example -

Hope this helps,
Have you looked at the example?
Jon -
Yes this can be accomplished using the vh_audioProgess callback - which enables synchronization between audio playback and visual display.

You could display the text as a ticker (as in the below example), or as movie captions (line by line) or you could display the entire text and highlight the portions as they are being read. The manner in which this is visualized is up to you.

The following support example shows a ticker tape display -

For your reference note that this example is available on the support page under "Other API Examples"

Hope this helps,
SitePal Team
Vasco -
We're looking into it. Will advise.
Vasko -
Can you send SitePal (on facebook) the same message?
I'd like to look at it.
SitePal Team
Aleksandra -
Thanks for providing this information.

fyi - the reason for the longer load time is that http Scenes are accelerated via the Akamai CDN, whereas https Scenes are not. This difference is due to a historic lapse on our part - and should definitely be corrected.

This has been added to the R&D task list though I don't have a firm timeline.
Hi N -
You would typically use our API for that.

By adding basic programming commands in your web page you would instruct your SitePal character to speak certain audios in response to the user clicking on a button or hyperlink.

This is not hard to do, but requires basic familiarity with HTML and Javascript. By using our many support examples you should be able to do it without being an expert.

See relevant support example here -
Click on "View the Source of this page" at the bottom to see how this was constructed.

Many other API examples are available here -
and on our main support page -

Hope this helps,
Aleksandra -

Is https necessary in your implementation?

Our current implementation for https is slower to load than http. This is probably the cause. Let me know if you can get away with using http. If not, we will update our implementation, but this will take some time to do.
