Your comments

Jazon -
We have optimized our nightly maintenance process - and believe that process no longer has any noticeable effect.

Please let me know if you still see any anomaly at 00:30 PST.
Jason -
The branding on the player has been removed from your account (clear your browser cache before reloading the page).

This was/is indeed a bug.
Limited "Basic" accounts (provided through some of our partners) are the only SitePal accounts that display branding on the player.
Your account was initially created as a "Basic" account. Once you upgraded your account, the branding should have been automatically removed - but was not.

We will address this problem asap to avoid other customers being affected as you were. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!

Jason -
There should not be a logo on the player - only in the loader.
Can you post a link to your site - where we can see the SitePal logo displayed - and advise further?
Hi Jason -
To remove the SitePal branding in the loader you need to go into "Account Info" and click on "Loader Settings". I agree it is not intuitive.
Hope this helps...
SitePal Team

Keith -
Yes - in the "Embed Overlay" publish wizard, in "Step 2 - Placement" select
"Anchor my scene to: Page Content"
Be sure to select the alignment option that represents your page's appearance.

Hi maryam -
can you pls post a link to your page where the problem can be seen (and heard)?
Jazon -
We concluded our internal review.
The 3:30 AM EST service disruption is due to an Oddcast internal "housekeeping" process that runs at that time.

Our findings are that the disruption -
a. lasts up to 15 min.
b. only affects Scenes that were updated within the past 24 hours.

We also noticed that the problem is not consistent - meaning that some nights it is not noticeable.

We are implementing today a quick optimization that should reduce the period of disruption by about 20%. This will be in place by end of day.
We will be working over the next 2 to 3 weeks to update our procedures and eliminate this problem altogether.

Thank you for reporting the problem and for your patience.

SitePal Team
Karasu -
The Scene needs to be loaded before it can accept API calls. The correct way to go about it is to wait for the -
"vh_sceneLoaded" event (or callback function in JS)

API calls made before this event is fired will not work and may have unexpected effects. This is described in the API Reference.

Using a longer wait time may not always work (depending on network circumstances). Best to update your code accordingly.

Hope this helps, regards
SitePal Team
Got it.
The only way is to create a custom character for you. We do so frequently for our customers. I'm afraid there will be cost involved - as there is some work to be done.

If you are interested, please send a note to

SitePal Team
You mean when uploading a photo to create your own photoface 3D character?
The generated character must have teeth (it would appear quite odd without them when it speaks) - so we add the teeth.
The eyes - we do not add them, but use the eyes from the origianl photo - and make them blink.

In both cases the above is default behavior that cannot be modified.

But I am not clear on why you would want to - perhaps if you could briefly explain what you are trying to do, that might help offer the best advice.

SitePal Team.