Your comments

Hi Miral - 

SitePal is not intended to be used to generate individual audios & download them.

We have a different product for TTS Audio - see -

Vocalware Export Edition supports downloading the audios (e.g for use in your videos etc.).

Please write to for pricing information.



Hi Rich - 

You can use SSML tags to control the rate of speech.

Example - 

 <prosody rate="slow"> this is speaking slowly <prosody rate="fast"> this is speaking fast </prosody> back to slow </prosody>

You can also use percentage values for more precise control - 

Example - 

 <prosody rate="-25%"> this is speaking slowly <prosody rate="+25%"> this is speaking fast </prosody> back to slow </prosody>

This information & more can be found in the API reference do - see Appendix C -

Note that SSML tags are only supported for voices from Engines #2 and #3.

Hope this helps,


Alex - the problem is due to the fact that the page is trying to call sayText before the user interacted with the page.

This is prohibited by the mobile browser. If you comment out the sayText calls made in vh_sceneLoaded, then the problem does not occur, and the SitePal character speaks fine on mobile when button is pressed.

That said - we will look into it further to resolve this issue and ensure that a prohibited call to sayText on mobile fails silently and does not prevent future speech.

Alex - we're looking into it - will advise asap.



Bonjour François,

The problem where the callback function vh_sceneLoaded is not called for full body characters has been fixed.

The problem with IE11 where in some cases the text is not spoken for full body characters is being investigated.



Thanx for the additional info.

We're looking into it.

Bonjour François - 

We are aware of a problem with the full body character where the callback function vh_sceneLoaded is not called. 

This problem was recently introduced (was missed when we deployed a bug fix update last week). 

A fix for this problem is currently being tested and will be deployed in the next few days.

So the problem is not with the function call to sayText, or with the TTS itself, it is only with the automatic initiation of speech when the page is loaded. 

Here is a corresponding full body example - click on the link below the character to hear it speak -

