Your comments

Hi Maciej -

Thanks for pointing this out. We're looking into it.




This should be all fixed now - please let me know if you are still seeing a problem.

Apologies for the inconvenience.


Hello François -

All of our characters work with all of our TTS voices so it does not matter which voice family you select - you should base your selection on the voice you prefer.

Hope this helps -


Hi Trevor, Winstone and all -

We've identified and fixed the problem.

It was introduced inadvertently by a software update that we had carried out.

Now fixed - please verify and let is know if you still see a problem with any version of IE

apologies for the inconvenience this may have caused.



Larry -

This does not look like any of our functional players. If you could post a link to your page I'll look at it and be able to confirm.

Hi Larry -

We are in the final stages of testing our new HTML5 characters.

The HTML5 characters will work in exactly the same way as the current Flash characters.

Flash will no longer be used.

This update is weeks away from launch.

There will be nothing for you to do.

If you are using our Javascript embed code (which is the default) - then your SitePal characters will automatically migrate to HTML5 playback. The process will be transparent.

The one exception is with the "functional players". If your scene is using any the AI, FAQ or Lead Gen players, that Scene will remain in Flash. The "functional players" are being deprecated and should no longer be used. We will introduce corresponding non-flash solutions over time.

Hope this helps,


OK here's what I received from support -

The SitePal PowerPoint plugin does not work on Windows 10, but you can embed your SitePal directly in PowerPoint without using the plugin - using Enclosed instructions.

Enclosed instructions are specific to Office 2007 and Windows 10.

If your version of Office is different, you should still get by using these instructions by improvising a bit.

Hope this helps!

SitePal on Power Point without Plugins.docx

Hi Antonios -

The full body character requires javascript code to be displayed - and I believe that wordpress rejects the Javascript, hence the problem.

Try using one of our 'classic' characters - those characters do support 'no Javascript' embed.

Regarding ppt - I have referred this question to support - someone will follow up and post updated embed instructions.

Thanks for your patience while we work through this.
