Your comments

Hi -

please send a note to & we will activate your account for you.

Sorry about the inconvenience this has caused.


Hi Joseph -

We experienced an outage with our TTS; this was corrected this morning at about 8:30 am EST.

Apologies for the inconvenience this has caused.



Pamela -

This is an authorization charge - we do not have your money - not sure how else to put it.

There is no fraud here. SitePal has been out there as a product for years.

If we wanted to cheat our customers we would not be in business for long.

If you prefer we will void the authorization charge right away - but then we would not be able to bill you in 15 days, You would need to remember to log-in and extend your account before the free trial expires.

Or - you can simply deactivate auto-billing for your account (you can do this yourself in your account page).

This will allow you to see that without us taking any action, your money (now being held by your cc provider) will be replenished to your account.

If the authorization is not "captured" (that's the term) the cc provider automatically releases it after a certain number of days.

Let me know how you would like to proceed.



Hi -

Yes - they do work on mobile devices including ios/Safari



Hello -

Unfortunately we experienced a service disruption this morning (EST)

We are working non-stop to improve the level of our service and avoid disruption as the service grows.

I apologize for the inconvenience & thank you for your patience.



Hi Daniel -

The voice has been restored.

Hope this helps with meeting tomorrow.




We'll do our best to clear this up.

Hi Daniel -

We've had some technical difficulties with James and we've temporarily replaced that voice with another while we work them out. I hope this will be taken care of by Friday - but can't guarantee it.

Sorry about the inconvenience this has caused.



Hi Giovanni -

If I understand it correctly, you are looking to display the SitePal Scene without mingling the dom object.

I suggest to save the embed code in a new page and to load it as an iframe.

Let me know how goes,


The SitePal Team

Hi Dom -

We were looking at this issue earlier today and scratching our heads a bit.

We are actually aware of a bug where the vh_sceneLoaded is called more than once (only on FullBody characters) - which we will correct in the next release - but not aware of any case where it is not called at all.

There's a simple workaround for the "more than once" problem btw.

So we had QA perform a review - they created two test pages -

and tested on desktop, iOS and Android - and I'm told that in all cases the sceneLoaded event did fire.

Can you post a link to your test page? We could borrow your code as posted above, but it would be best to review the same page you did.



The SitePal Team