Your comments


This question was answered on a different thread.



Hi JNJ -

At the moment the shortest inteval is 1 sec.

I'd like to suggest for these very short audios to implement using a heuristic approach. Meaning - don't rely on our callback but implement progress based on your expected speech rate, starting at audioStarted.

While I would not suggest doing so for lengthy audios - this should work well enough for very short audios.

Also -

I saw earlier that you posted this query in a different thread - but for some reason I am unable to locate it. So I will respond here -

JNJ: Are vh_talkStarted and vh_talkEnded ALWAYS called? I am testing some code and there are instances where these callbacks do not get called at all. The code produces no errors. What might cause these functions to not be called?

GS: They should always be called when an audio sequence begins and ends.

There is another pair of call backs that is always called for each audio in the sequence, and those are vh_audioStarted and vh_audioEnded.

So the callbacks should frame the audios as in the following example -

> vh_talkStarted


1st audio plays



2nd audio plays


> vh_talkEnded

If you have encountered a case where the callbacks are not called as expected, please send us a note to support & we will look into it.


Hi Kofi -

Before you do anything else, please grab a fresh copy of the embed code from your account.

This will ensure you use the new html5 characters (not Flash)

Here is the equivalent example in HTML5 - for your reference.

Any special reason you would need the "No Javascript" option? That option is intended only for pages where JS is forbidden, and it displays the (old) Flash version of the character. That said, it should still function on http and https (there is a checkbox to select which one you want)

I strongly recommend to Grab the "Standard Web Page" embed code for best results.

Hope this helps. Let me know how goes.


Hi Kimberly -

Please send a note to and we will take care of it right away.

Or - post your email here and I will look into it for you.

(I will then delete your entry).



Please send a note to


Hello François-

Can you provide a link to your page wghere this problem can be seen?

What voice did you use?