SitePal’s community support is here to offer support, solve problems, share ideas, and update our customers about the latest from SitePal!

Is there any way to slow down an Avatar's text to speach?

Terri Karlseng 10 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 10 years ago 2
Under review

Can you embed your avatar into a Google Slide

Gail West 9 years ago updated by Sumit B 9 years ago 1

see above...I want to use it in a slide presentation. How would I do this.


Text-to-Speech auto play, race condition?

Robert Hamel 10 years ago in SitePal Silver updated by Gil Sideman 10 years ago 2
I have the Text-to-Speech tool working where it reads the text from the database, renders the page, creating the sayText function with the correct item to say, and runs.  Works great most the time, but it seems on occasion, the audio isn't playing. I put a 3 second delay using setTimeout, and that helps some, but on first load in a browser (no cache), and some slower connections, it occasionally stays silent.  If i click the replay button, it then works immediately, so I suspect there is a race condition happening where the js functions aren't able to trigger the flash to execute properly b/c the flash isn't loaded yet (or the include PHP file isn't loaded)  
Any idea how i can be sure that the file is loaded before triggering sayText?  


Alejandro Kampelmacher 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 5

Consulta: he generado sin problema un personaje para AIMC, programando su glosario y definiciones. En el preview de Sitepal funciona perfectamente. Ya he compilado todo. Pero al copiar el código en mi site, si bien se ve la figura. esta no responde al glosario, a las preguntas predefinidas. Qué puedo haber omitido? Gracias.

Gil Sideman 9 years ago

Alejandro -

A Licensed Domain was not defined for

I added it to your account - and it works now.

Love the character!



Alejandro -

Un dominio con licencia no se definió para
He añadido a su cuenta - y funciona ahora.
Me encanta el personaje!


Cómo puedo descargar un avatar creado en Voki para uso Offline

Jonathan 9 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 8 years ago 2

Cómo puedo descargar un avatar creado en Voki para uno offline

Jonathan 9 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 4 years ago 4
Gil Sideman 4 years ago

En primer lugar - estás en el foro equivocado. Este es el foro de SitePal.

En segundo lugar - caracteres Voki no se pueden utilizar fuera de línea, ni pueden ser utilizados para cualquier uso del negocio.
Caracteres de SitePal se pueden exportar para su uso sin conexión, esto requiere una actualización de "Avatar Studio" - por favor envíe una nota a para más información.

Under review

WLT reduce height of full body avatar

tony jackson 9 years ago in SitePal Gold updated by Gil Sideman 9 years ago 3

We are using full body avatar in a couple of places on our site and in one place we'd like it to be quite small, circa 220px high. This works fine in Flash mode but fails in HTML5 mode. The body part fails to display and all you can see is the moving mouth. See result here:

This one doesn't work

This one works

Both pages are exactly the same except for the dimensions.

I've tried to see if there's a way to force it smaller. The only thing I've found is quirky. The HTML version is drawn on a canvas with width and height dimensions. However, if you add CSS style of height:220px, (using inspector) then it works properly, it scales down. The problem is that the canvas is generated on the fly using the JS code within an iframe and I can't work out how I can apply the style permanently.

This would be a hack because I'd then have to call different dimensions specifically for non-flash and then scale it down using this CSS hack. Not ideal.

Is there any way that you can get a better way of scaling the HTML5 version below 331px ?



Not a bug

Avatar is taking too much time to load

Parvez 6 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 6 years ago 3

I am using avatar in my reactjs app. I have added script in my index.html page. Still some times avatar is loading very late. I have good internet connection.

Gil Sideman 6 years ago


We've tried to recreate this problem, from the US, Europe and India - and we do not see any unusual or unexpected loading times for our own test pages.

For the page noted below - 

   US page load time in total is between 2 and 3 seconds.

   India page load time in total is between 5 and 6 seconds.

This is normal.

Your time may vary depending on the specifics of your internet connection.

Please follow up with more information so that we may further advise.





Beatriz 6 years ago in SitePal Gold updated by Kumar Gaurav 6 years ago 1

Hello, I was charged before the 15-day free trial. I'd like to know how to ask for a cancellation of the purchase or refund

Under review

my email dircted me here to activate my account?

joseph gormanly 8 years ago in SitePal Silver updated by Gil Sideman 8 years ago 12

hi thank you i got the email and directed here to activate my account? strange am lost lol