SitePal’s community support is here to offer support, solve problems, share ideas, and update our customers about the latest from SitePal!
Under review

Customer Suppoer

Mary 8 years ago in SitePal Silver updated by Gil Sideman 8 years ago 4

I emailed customer support two days ago about some difficulty I was experiencing embedding an avator into a PowerPoint presentation. I have not heard from them yet. Has anyone else experienced this kind of delay? Is there a way to talk to a representative directly? If so, how?

Under review

Avatar Framework Integration

elad karakuli 8 years ago in SitePal Platinum updated by Gil Sideman 8 years ago 1


I would like to integrate a client editor in our demo site,

is it possible to use the Avatar Framework Integration?

If so, how can I get the product ID specified in the API?




where are the links?

joseph gormanly 8 years ago in SitePal Silver 0

their are no links to copy or paste where i want them, i posted to facebook and it came back to sitepal that is not good


no one is answering the emails?

joseph gormanly 8 years ago in SitePal Silver 0

it is really frustrating that no one is answering the emails will someone please activate my account please thank you


i need activated

jjoeuk45 8 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 7 years ago 2

i paid the fee on the 3rd November still not activated. does anyone man the emails?

Gil Sideman 7 years ago

Hi J -

We are here. If you sent a note to support, you will receive a response. Typically on the same day, but no later than the next business day.

Thanks for your patience.

Under review

the full body characters are not enable to - please advise,

mohamedfarahdr 8 years ago in SitePal Gold updated by Gil Sideman 8 years ago 3

Create your own avatar loads 99% and then freezes and never loads, I tried multiple times...

keerthiymbbs04 8 years ago in SitePal Gold updated by Gil Sideman 7 years ago 7

Create your own avatar loads 99% and then freezes and never loads, I tried multiple times...

Gil Sideman 7 years ago


We've seen this issue before - try logging out & then clear your browser cache, here's how -

Then try again. Or try a different browser.

Let me know,




Avatars full-body on mobile with GSM (no WIFI)

François 8 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 8 years ago 10

Hello Gil,

I have one problem, very important.

I use a full-body avatar on Android / Chrome that says only a word by a link that runs "Saytext" (version fv=0)

When this material is WIFI, the avatar says that word. OK perfect

When I disconnect the WiFi to switch to GSM, big problem: the avatar is displayed, but after 10 minutes he still seeks and has not delivered the required word (see photo).

The connection is 16.45 Mbps descendant with 4G so no flow problem (source:speedtest).

When I share my connection with a iPod (not a GSM model), the Avatar works perfectly on the iPod (safari) with a WIFI connexion to my smartphone on Android !

I think there is still a small bug when the avatar is not connected to WiFi but in GSM!

This prevents the operation of the avatar for mobile equipment whose primary quality is to be mobile !

Hoping for a quick response, with my cordial greetings.

françois SCHAAL
To test this bug, use an Android smartphone with a GSM connexion (no WIFI). No problem with WIFI on the same material...


Bonjour Gil,

J'ai un dernier problème, très important.

J'utilise un avatar full-body sur iOS/Chrome qui dit un mot par un lien qui exécute "Saytext" (version fv=0)

Lorsque ce matériel est en WIFI, l'avatar dit ce mot.

Quand je déconnecte le WIFI pour passer en GSM, gros problème: l'avatar s'affiche mais après 10 minutes, il cherche toujours et n'a pas prononcé le mot demandé (voir photo).
La connexion est en 4G avec 16,45 Mbits descendant donc pas de problème de débit (speedtest).

Lorsque je partage ma connexion sur ce smartphone avec un iPod non communiquant relié en WIFI à ce smartphone, l'avatar fonctionne parfaitement sur l'iPod.

Je pense donc qu'il existe encore un petit bug quand l'avatar n'est pas connecté en WIFI mais en GSM !

Cela empêche le fonctionnement de l'avatar pour un matériel mobile dont la principale qualité est d'être mobile.

En espérant une réponse rapide, je vous exprime mes cordiales salutations.

françois SCHAAL

François 8 years ago

Hello Gil,

The full-body avatar for example on Android with Chrome works now both in WIFI and GSM (4G tested).


Thank to the Sitepal Team

Under review

Internet Explorer Browser Problem!

이현철 8 years ago in SitePal Platinum updated by Gil Sideman 8 years ago 18

hi~ i'm platinum gold user.

TTS does not work.

For example,


Windows 7, XP , Internet Explorer 9 ==> TTS does not work.

Windows 10, Internet Explorer 11.4 ==> TTS work.

Today we suffered these symptoms.

Our customers are experiencing discomfort.

Please solve quickly.

Under review

Avatar full-body iOS

François 8 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 8 years ago 7

Hello Gil,

Technology full-body avatars for iOS / Safari has progressed well.

It remains in my view to resolve two points:

1) On iOS, I have the following code:</a><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="

<a href='javaScript:vh_sceneLoaded();'>CLICK ME</a>

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

function vh_sceneLoaded() {

sayText('<P> La terre est ronde</P>', 2, 4,2 );


Why is the text-to-speech is not launched by clicking on the "CLICK ME"?

But it works well on PC and Android. This can be tested at the URL listed below.

2) the size of the buttons [>] and [O] is much too small for touch screens especially the link type "CLICK ME" does not work (on iOS - see previous point).

Try for example on an iPhone (the avatar is full screen)!

Ideally automatically adjust the cell size so the two buttons to the width of the avatar.
What to emphasize is not aesthetic but ease of use above all the buttons display is temporary.




Bonjour Gil,

La technologie des avatars full-body pour iOS/safari a bien progressé.
Il reste à mon avis deux points à régler :

1) Sur iOS, j'ai le code suivant:</a><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="

<a href='javaScript:vh_sceneLoaded();'>CLICK ME</a>

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

function vh_sceneLoaded() {

sayText('<P> La terre est ronde</P>', 2, 4,2 );


Pourquoi le text-to-speech n'est pas lancé en cliquant sur le lien "CLICK ME" ?

Cela fonctionne pourtant bien sur PC et sur Android. Cela peut être testé à l'URL indiquée ci-après.

2) la taille des boutons [>] et [O] est beaucoup trop réduite pour les écrans tactiles surtout le lien du type "CLICK ME" ne fonctionne pas (sur iOS - voir point précédent).

Essayer par exemple sur un iPhone (l'avatar est plein écran) !

L'idéal serait d'adapter automatiquement la taille de la cellule donc des deux boutons à la largeur de l'avatar.

Ce qu'il faut privilégier n'est pas l'esthétique mais la facilité d'utilisation surtout que l'affichage des boutons est temporaire.
