SitePal’s community support is here to offer support, solve problems, share ideas, and update our customers about the latest from SitePal!

How to remove sitepal logo from the players?

jasontheman07 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 2
IM a bit upset that the sitepal logo does not seem to be removable from the various players. I upgraded to gold so that the branding would not be visible during loading... but what good is that if the sitepal logo is clearly visibly in every player that I choose (except for none or normal background)
branding logo players

How can I add an avatar in flash 8 AS2?

cfajardo79 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 3
I have followed all the video instructions and when I click control / test movie nothing happens, I don't see the avatar, however the link that it`s build to copy and paste on the EMBED section in the actionscript works if I copy it as URL in a browser.

I upload the swf to show you that nothing comes out.

What could be the issue?


What is a SitePal Audio Stream?

Eva 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 1
audio faq optimization streams
Eva 14 years ago
An audio stream is a single audio playback instance. Whenever a SitePal character speaks, the audio is streamed from Oddcast's servers over the Internet. This counts as 1 audio stream. So, audio streams are the number of times a SitePal character speaks.

To optimize the use of audio streams & improve visitor experience, SitePal users may set a “playback limit”. Each SitePal package includes a different number of audio streams. Customers can also purchase additional streams (starting at $3.50 per 1,000) or upgrade their package. Unused audio streams are rolled over into the following month.

Chrome, Flash, and Black Background with Avatar in IFrame

Michael Flynn 13 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 3 years ago 3
Chrome displays a black background on avatars that are embedded in an iframe with wmode set to transparent. IE and FF aren't doing this.

chrome iframe flash
Gil Sideman 3 years ago

Hello Michael -

We've updated our technology to HTML5 based characters several years ago.

Some customers' pages could be automatically updated (and were), but in other cases users need to update their page.

What you need to do - 

* login to your SitePal account

* locate the Scene which is embedded in your web page

* select the "publish' tool, and copy the embed code for your Scene (set the dimensions to match your need).

* paste the fresh embed code into your HTML page - AND - remove the old embed code.

* repeat this process for every page in which your SitePal characters appear.

Hope this helps - let us know if any questions.




Jorge Marquez 12 years ago updated by Gil 12 years ago 1
I work for a higher education institution. I left a comment with my inquiry to the Support and Sales contact forms about the possibility of using the software for our department website.

Overlaid avatar that says something different each time its loaded

ryan 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 25
My goal is to pockmark my site with a little '?' button that when clicked opens up my avatar in her overlaid format - but I'd like her to be able to say a different audio for each button. I've tried it using the sayAudio command, but since I'm not a programmer, I'm certain my syntax is off or something when I'm trying to call both the overlay and the sayAudio command simultaneously. If anybody knows how to accomplish this, I'd appreciate the help.

AIMC Bot not working properly

gianlombard 13 years ago in SitePal Platinum updated by Gil 13 years ago 3
I built a scene as well as an avatar bot according to the video directions. The avatar works properly within Sitepal. The problem is; When I publish the scene to my website, the scene comes up properly but when I type questions into the text box the avatar does not respond. Once again, the bot avatar responds to any question I type into the text box withing Sitepal, but not on my website. I would appreciate any response. I have sent this question into the Sitepal help desk and have not received any reply as of yet.

Thank you,

aimc bot platinum

Same character, different audios, same website?

Nancy Coudriet Bolen 13 years ago updated by Gil 13 years ago 1
How do you configure the same character to do one audio on the first page of a website, then a different audio on another page of the same website.
Gil 13 years ago
Nancy -
The simplest way would be to use two different Scenes.
In one Scene, have your character speak the first audio, while in the other Scene it would speak the second audio.
Embed Scene #1 in the first page and Scene #2 in the second page. Walla!
Hope this helps,
SitePal Team

how do i edit or append to a saved scene I've been working on

David Marchione 11 years ago updated by Gil 11 years ago 1
Under review


Vladimir Zharinov 10 years ago in SitePal Gold updated by Sumit B 10 years ago 1
I do not see that support answer my questions or do support. Is that normal behavior or I miss smth?