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Under review

Receive APS error when trying to upload external audio file

comptaylor 4 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 4 years ago 2

I have a 2-minute audio file that I'm attempting to upload to my scene. Receive APS error after many attempts. I've tried a .mp3 file and a .wav file:



I have a Bronze account. Is anybody home?



researchm 4 years ago 0

I'm trying to add a scene to the survey platform Qualtrics, but none of the different examples of code seem to work. Is there a way to do it? 

Alternatively, is there a way to get code that works on an iframe from sitepal?

Under review

About the positioning of AVATAR on the sides.

Wallace 4 years ago in SitePal Gold updated by Gil Sideman 4 years ago 2


How do I configure Avatar where it is closest to the web site margin?

I mean that Avatar is positioned too far to the middle and not to the right.

I would rather go to the far end on the right side.



How to slow the speach of Avatar?

jirikrupa 4 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 4 years ago 2


I can´t find where to slow down the Avatar when it is speaking to fast.

Any advice?

Thank you!

Gil Sideman 4 years ago


Use SSML tags in your text to control speech rate and other speech attributes.

Please refer to this convenient demo for experimenting with SSML tags -

And try the following text sample - 

This is normal speech <prosody rate="slow"> this is speaking slowly </prosody> <prosody rate="fast"> this is speaking fast </prosody> back to normal.
Let's try more precise control. First, let's use relative values:
This is normal speech <prosody rate="-30%"> this is speaking slowly </prosody> <prosody rate="+40%"> this is speaking fast </prosody> back to normal.
Now absolute values:
This is normal speech <prosody rate="60%"> this is speaking slowly </prosody> <prosody rate="140%"> this is speaking fast </prosody> back to normal.


* different voices may interpret tags differently - so best to experiment and identify what works best with the voice of your choice. Specifically - some voices may work well with relative values, others with absolute values.

* certain voices do not support SSML tags at all - and are thus not included in this "fine tuning" demo. If a voice is not available in the demo, that would be the reason. Specifically - all engine 2 and engine 4 voices do not support SSML tags.

Hope this helps, best,


The SitePal Team


Looking for Mr.Fathi since I have the same question

stefano 4 years ago 0

I hopoe  Mr.Fathi gets a nitification since I have the same request he had 4 years ago.

I wonder if he find a solution to .

He can mail me at io[at]


Gil Sideman 4 years ago

Hi - 

To create your own photoface 3D character (from a photo) - 

* open the editor and select the "3d" tab under "models"

* click on "Create your Own" button 

*  You will then need to activate the Flash option, close the editor and launch it again

* select the Flash option when you launch the editor.

Note: the "Photoface 3D" feature is the only SitePal feature that requires Flash - and it is required only for editing/creating your own 3D character. The created character does not require Flash to play when embedded on your website - it is an editing requirement only. This feature will soon be available in the HTML5 editor - obviating the need to use Flash.

* in the Flash editor - select the "3D" tab under "models".

* click on "Create your Own" button & follow step by step instructions to create your character.

If needed - please send a note to & we will help you out in more detail.

We'll be happy to schedule a walkthrough screen-share session and go over it with you.

Hope this helps,


The SitePal Team


concurrent users can we make it to 6

mohit sanghavi 4 years ago in SitePal Gold updated by Gil Sideman 4 years ago 4

avatar getting pixelate on ipad pro or higher resolution

mohit sanghavi 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 3
Gil Sideman 4 years ago

Mohit - 

Please grab a screenshot & send to - and we will look into it.

