Reseller Agreement
I have been trying to inquire about a resellers agreement with SitePal. I have emailed on 8/12 and 8/15 without a response ( I then emailed on Friday and haven't received a response. I’m hoping somebody can help me.
We have been using SitePal avatars for a few years now and have developed some pretty neat projects. We would now like to see about becoming a reseller.
I went to upgrade my account, but it only offers the next pricing level (we are currently at Gold). Since we currently have an active account is there a way to upgrade to reseller status, or do we have to start a new account?
My account email is
Adobe Edge Animate CC 2015
Hi Everybody.
Is there any way to work with Vhost in Adobe Edge Animate ?
Thank you so much.
Txt to speech avatar bot not responding to my own uploaded stage .aiml files after compile & deploy
After compiling and deploying my tested AIML files, my avatar bot is not responding to the new uploaded .aiml files in the Oddcast File System. Yesterday, it worked with only the default LIVE AIML questions in a voice I did not choose, but today my avatar isn't responding to any inputs. I've adjusted the settings and published my scene under Standard Web Page, and then embedded into my website with a silent avatar. Can anyone out there please tell me if I'm missing something in my deployment?
Hi Gil,
I've been working with Sumit this week and he's ironed out all my issues connecting my bot avatar voice with my own .aiml uploaded files. It's much too complicated to explain how it all got worked out but one part of it is that I had to put in my licensed domains section in my account settings that helped connect the entities together. So, my Kikibot is working amaze balls! Thanks for your help and attention.
How can i switch to English Pronunciation
I have a german speaking avatar, but there are of course many english proper names, that are not spoken correctly by my avatar. Take the example "facebook", it is spoken german by the avatar and that sounds not good and makes no sense. Can i switch for some words to english speaking?
Hi Helmut -
Yes - it is possible to switch voices in mid-speech, including from one language to another.
You can use SSML tags to do so - as per the following example.
Please try the following example & adapt it for your needs - select voice "Julie" in the sitepal editor - and paste this text in -
I can change my voice while I speak! <voice Name="Bridget">A posh accent if you please</voice>! or speak in a different language! <voice Name="Violeta"> 1 2 3 4 Cinco de mayo </voice>
The above example uses only voices from engine 3 (Julie, Bridget, Violeta). Note that you must use voices from the same "engine" and that only voices from engines 2 and 3 support this functionality. You can find the list of voices per engine in the API Reference document (see appendix)
Hope this helps,
Full body avatar : code HTML
I would like to know what HTML code enter: a mobile avatar must execute the text to speech at the opening of the page (without any link like " SAYTEXT")
thanks in advance
WLT reduce height of full body avatar
We are using full body avatar in a couple of places on our site and in one place we'd like it to be quite small, circa 220px high. This works fine in Flash mode but fails in HTML5 mode. The body part fails to display and all you can see is the moving mouth. See result here:
This one doesn't work
This one works
Both pages are exactly the same except for the dimensions.
I've tried to see if there's a way to force it smaller. The only thing I've found is quirky. The HTML version is drawn on a canvas with width and height dimensions. However, if you add CSS style of height:220px, (using inspector) then it works properly, it scales down. The problem is that the canvas is generated on the fly using the JS code within an iframe and I can't work out how I can apply the style permanently.
This would be a hack because I'd then have to call different dimensions specifically for non-flash and then scale it down using this CSS hack. Not ideal.
Is there any way that you can get a better way of scaling the HTML5 version below 331px ?
Hello, I was charged before the 15-day free trial. I'd like to know how to ask for a cancellation of the purchase or refund
my bots cannot allow any input urgent
I am subscribing your gold account. But a few days ago my chatbots cannot allow users to input any text. The input box disappear.... can you help as soon as possible. I did not get any reply so far. thanks a lot
Can I remove the sign "" next to the avatar on facebook ?
Hi, Does AI support Cyrillic letters for questions? I tried and failed to ask question in Cyrillic. Why?
Hi, Does AI support Cyrillic letters for questions? I tried and failed AI to ask question in Cyrillic. Why?
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