SitePal’s community support is here to offer support, solve problems, share ideas, and update our customers about the latest from SitePal!

Can I embed and/or control a Scene from within a Flash movie?

Eva 14 years ago updated by Gil 14 years ago 4
features faq api embed advanced flash
Eva 14 years ago
Yes, SitePal Gold accounts and higher support this functionality. For detailed instructions, see "API references & examples" on SitePal's support documentation page.

Audio length increasing

Gautam Kannan 13 years ago updated by Gil 13 years ago 1
Is it possible to give a mic input to my avatar for more than 90seconds
Gil 13 years ago
I'm sorry that's not possible.

Two possible workarounds -
* If only a handful of audios, and up to 2 min long each - record the audios using any utility on your PC or Mac - save as mp3 - and then send us the audios to - we will add it to your account for you.
* for even longer audios, you need to segment them - in 90 sec segments or less, and use our API to control consecutive playback.

Here is a simple example of playback concatenation -

this example is with TTS, but can work the same way with recorded audio - just use sayAudio instead of sayText.

Hope this helps,
SitePal Team

vhostSwfobject is null

Eric Johannsen 12 years ago updated by Gil 12 years ago 17
In the line of your JavaScript

vhostSwfobject.embedSWF(url, vhssFlashDiv, width, height, flashVersionStr, expressInstallUrl, vhostFlashvars, vhostFlashParams, vhostFlashAttributes);

the variable vhostSwfobject is null. What might cause that, and how can I fix it?

This is happening on IE10. I was able to get a simple test program working in my environment. I get this error when attempting to integrate with my existing website.

my senses disappear

Nora Ideasgate 13 years ago updated by Akhil 13 years ago 2
i have a problem i can not find my character i edit for 15 day in my control panel in sitepal
how i can find them.they are still on my web

How can I upload a longer (3.30) minute message?

Suzanne Kiraly 13 years ago updated by Gil 11 years ago 4
Hi there,

I want to sign up for your service, but I want to use the site pal avatar as a welcome to our services on my web site and I have recorded a longer message (over 3 minutes). Can I please upload this in some way?

audio text to speech tts

SitePal Featured Examples

Jesse 14 years ago updated by valsassina tv 13 years ago 2
Delighted that BOTH of my avatar sites are featured on SitePal as quality examples - woo hoo!

Oddcast server sending javascript with MIME type text/html

John 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 2
This is only a warning, but Chrome is a bit more pedantic than other browsers. We are attempting to remove all errors and warnings and this one keeps jumping out.

Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/html: "".

Seems that MIME type should be application/javascript or similar.

Sitepal output

Becky Bear 13 years ago updated by Akhil 13 years ago 1
I am using a rather unique web design program and I really, really need to know QUICKLY if the sitepal output is swf, html, javascript code or something different

I am using Sitgrinder which is a Photoshop based WYSIWYG web design tool. I design in Photoshop and give sitegrinder instructions on how things should be placed and look, One thing I want to do is give alt image tags for what my avatar is saying. The folks at Sitegrinder say I need to tell them what format Sitepal ouputs in because Sitegrinder handles swf, html and javascript differently

Can SitePal talk to the viewer by name?

Eva 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 1
Is it possible for my AI 'bot' to ask for the user’s name, and then use this name in the conversation?
faq how to artificial intelligence ai
Eva 14 years ago
Yes! The AI bot recognizes a user's name if the user says: "my name is (name)."

You can program the character to start by asking: "What is your name?" If the user then answers as above it will work fine. To set up an initial audio for the character to speak, simply create and assign that audio to the Scene.

Icon not displaying on my web sites

Larry Porter 11 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 7 years ago 13
Our Siterpal icon is not displaying on my three websites. As a result the documnnts that wouls normally be read are not being read.

I can't wait for the two day asupport turnaround.
Gil 11 years ago
Looks like our update was successful!
Glad to hear it.

Here's more info about what happened -
The problem was due to a bad configuration setting which was momentarily loaded to our live/production system yesterday - and immediately retracted. Although the change was pulled back, the problem setting became cached within the Akamai global network. And although we immediately purged Akamai, we apparently missed something...

Now cleared up.

Sincere apologies to all who were affected.