SitePal’s community support is here to offer support, solve problems, share ideas, and update our customers about the latest from SitePal!

Multiple sayText() instructions are not queued even when interruptMode is turned off

Sami Nazzal 2 years ago in SitePal Gold updated by Gil Sideman 2 years ago 3

Multiple sayText() or sayAudio() calls to sitepal are not queued, and the last audio starts playing.
We have the interrupt mode disabled using the setStatus() call.

We have verified that the issue is at Sitepal's end. For quick demonstration, try it here on your API example for Enable/Disable playback queuing.

Gil Sideman 2 years ago

Sami - 

A fix has been deployed for this problem.

Please take a look (you may need to clear your browser cache)

Thanks for alerting us. 



Error when upload custom loader

AND ITALIA 2 years ago in SitePal Platinum updated by Gil Sideman 2 years ago 4

I'm try to upload my custom loader,

but i get back from backend an error with invalid column when saving to DB.

Image 212

Gil Sideman 2 years ago


This issue has been fixed & verified. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Please try again to upload your custom loader & let us know if any problem is encountered.

Best regards,


The SitePal Team


say function to avatar

AND ITALIA 2 years ago in SitePal Platinum updated by Gil Sideman 2 years ago 4


I'm try to send an method to the scene, but JS say me is not a function.

This is an example:

Gil Sideman 2 years ago


There is no function called say me or sayme or say.

There are three main speech functions that you should become familiar with - 

1. sayAudio - to speak previously uploaded or recorded audios

2. sayText - for realtime Text-to-Speech audio

3. sayAI - for user interaction with your SitePal Bot (or 3rd party bot)

To become more familiiar with using our API I recommend reading the introduction section in our Client API reference document on our support page.

Here is a direct link -

On our support page - - you will also find links to dozens of technical examples demonstrating how to use our API. Please peruse those examples, and feel free to copy their source code to your own page to get started.

Regarding the test page you shared above - In your page you are trying to call the function saySilent (please look un in the reference doc what it does). But it will not work before your character has loaded. 

You should use the callback function vh_sceneLoaded to find out when it is safe to call the API.

Finally, if you have specific questions - please send us a note to - and we will be happy to look into and advise.

I hope this helps,


ps. great character!

Under review

inserting scene into mac powerpoint

jpastorurban 2 years ago in SitePal Silver updated by Gil Sideman 2 years ago 1

How do I insert a scene into powerpoint for mac? I cannot find the sitepal plugin and other plug ins do not work

Under review

Safari Browser | Audio Requires User Input NotAllowedError: The request is not allowed by the user agent or the platform in the current context, possibly because the user denied permission.Error!!!

Sami Nazzal 2 years ago in SitePal Gold updated by Gil Sideman 2 years ago 3

We're getting this issue only on the safari browser

Audio Requires User Input NotAllowedError: The request is not allowed by the user agent or the platform in the current context, possibly because the user denied permission.Error!!!

The user already interacted with DOM. Also, we've disabled scene controls like play and pause.  How can we fix it

Under review

Reseller Agreement

Trevor 8 years ago in SitePal Gold updated by Gil Sideman 8 years ago 1
Under review

the full body characters are not enable to - please advise,

mohamedfarahdr 8 years ago in SitePal Gold updated by Gil Sideman 8 years ago 3
Under review

speech to text

Carl Silva 8 years ago updated by Sumit B 8 years ago 1
Under review

Does the photo face in tech playground still email a preview?

Mr Mahoney 8 years ago updated by Gil Sideman 8 years ago 4
Under review

my bots cannot allow any input urgent

hjchen 8 years ago in SitePal Gold updated by Gil Sideman 8 years ago 2