VIdeo bit rate
I have generated the video.
This bit frame is 24 fps. I want to show this on television.
So I need 60 fps video. This is the reason why I am using this SitePal.com account.
Please help me.
I am waiting for your reply.

play upon load
is it possible to play upon loading a series of scenes -- without showing the play -pause button?

There are several options I'd like to suggest.
First - to remove controls from the SitePal Scene, uncheck "display controls" option when grabbing your embed code.
To play a series of Scenes -
a. We offer an enterprise level version of the SitePal product called the "Avatar Studio" that includes the ability to create sequences of Scenes, which can play in sequence (with or without controls).
If this is of interest - please send a note to sales@sitepal.com for pricing & info.
b. Using the Client API you can play a sequence of audios - either recorded audios (using 'sayAudio' function) or TTS audios (using 'sayText' function). It is quite simple to do - as our player supports queing of pending playback requests.
This is not exactly what you asked - but it may be good enough.
Hope this helps.
The SitePal Team

Multiple Audio
Is it possible to program a scene to always play multiple audio (text-by-speech) in an exact order?

Yes, you can easily do so using the API.
As you make successive calls to "sayText" they can be queud for playback in sequence.
There is no limit to how many audios you can queue in this way.
Here's a good technical example:
Hope this is helpful,
Best regards,
The SitePal Team

Please, is it possible to generate subtitles embed to the videos from the text-to-speech?

Hi Peter!
At the moment that's not possible.
The default behavior is that play button appears when cursor is in motion over the character. Button remains visible for a few seconds and then fades if cursor is motionless.
I've added this to our product wish list - we'll look into enabling the play button to remain visible, perhaps through adding a new embed attribute, but due to our development schedule this may take some time.
Customer support service by UserEcho